Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] he into the " in BNC.

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1 The poll tax has been an outstanding success for the right hon. Member for Wirral , West ( Mr. Hunt ) — it has got him into the Cabinet .
2 Cos I , I want to send him into the shed because I had him first
3 Nicholson 's new boy Adrian Maguire has thirty four winners already … but a double from Richard Dunwoody has taken him into the twenties
4 As he approached the water she begged him to come with her and tried to drag him into the sea .
5 She 'd followed him into the Rockingham public house by the Elephant and Castle .
6 They should never have let him into the RAF — ca n't think why they did n't spot it .
7 Would you have made him into the working-class Christopher Fry ?
8 He had grabbed hold of Cliff and had him halfway over the ship 's side and would have dumped him into the dock had he not been restrained by a couple of his workmates .
9 " I 'll have to run him into the passage .
10 In the normal way I would not have followed him into the gunsmith 's , a place of such absolute masculinity , smelling of game and metal , ringing with men 's talk .
11 Instead of turning left over the canal bridge which would have taken him into the village , he turned right and began walking out of the village on the Brookend road .
12 I was mad with him , could have battered him into the ground I could if I was strong enough . ’
13 Jean 's boss decided to bring him into the business as a sales director .
14 I should have kept my temper , she thought frantically ; I should never have tried to push him into the stream in the first place .
15 It was an important occasion because his uncle was to have initiated him into the mysteries of handling langoustines .
16 Without a doubt it had been Greg 's backing which had propelled him into the big league ; without him , for all his talent , Hugo might have been trapped in small-time design and manufacture for ever .
17 As he had been invited to dine with Members afterwards , his secretary had booked him into The Howard Hotel , a few hundred yards from Parliament Square on the Victoria Embankment , overlooking the Tower of London to the east and the Houses of Parliament to the west .
18 After he 'd been coaxed out of the cart in the yard , three serving women had carried him into the house .
19 She tried to brush aside memories of the eager , tiny child that Hank had been , a child who had adored his ugly , heavy-footed Ukrainian grandfather , a child who had screamed with rage at her when she had thrust him into the arms of an unknown babysitter or had forced him to play alone in the basement , until he became a silent , morose schoolboy .
20 Now , I have n't met this gentleman , but I 'm told that he is a great expert on the question of sound and the nature of sound and , and the problems by it , and I 've invited him into the studio and I 'm going to interview him .
21 ‘ Several times more than once , ’ the Doctor said , the tone of his voice reflecting the numerous occasions on which Bernice had dragged him into the flea-pit cinema she 'd found in the TARDIS and insisted that he pay attention to the noir motifs and the semiotics of Double Indemnity .
22 Because of his language ability , Heydrich himself had pulled him into the Sicherheitsdienst , the SS security service , known as the SD .
23 He was Thorfinn 's first cousin , and his very revolt against his heritage had driven him into the arms of Siward and Durham .
24 ‘ Survival of the — ’ Jamie drew his breath in sharply and pulled the stick so hard he almost fell off his stool , but he managed to dodge the darting yellow bolts that had driven him into the corner of the screen' — nastiest . ’
25 She wondered what experience had moulded him into the cynical man that he now was .
26 Uncle Fred left four sons , two of whom had followed him into the Marines and a widow , Aunt May , who suffered from what was then referred to as shaking palsy .
27 A BUNGLING shoplifter tried to flog a pair of Marks and Spencer shorts — to the store detective who had followed him into the street after seeing him nick them .
28 ‘ Beside all that , ’ Robert said , ‘ I had to take him into the city , and he was n't real keen — I 'm sure he prefers Sydney to London . ’
29 But , of course , I was determined to take him into the company and his first role for us was Tamino in Magic Flute .
30 His cheerful rubicund face was graver than usual , and when she had ushered him into the dining-room he began without preliminary :
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