Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] for [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 However , the patient is likely to continue coughing for some time after the antibiotics have been stopped , and the sputum that is produced when the patient coughs will be found to contain numerous pus cells on microscopic examination .
2 The trial was expected to continue for some time and it was widely believed that evidence would be given which would incriminate politicians still active .
3 Captain Mark Phillips had been expected to remain for some time in his cottage on the estate , where he has lived since the marriage broke up three years ago .
4 Past changes in both relative equity and gilt prices have a negative influence on future expectations although interest differentials ( RATE ) are expected to persist for some time .
5 The derogation , which applies to all cereals intervened after November 1 , puts UK farmers on a par with their counterparts in northern Europe where the relaxation has applied for some time .
6 NCLE has argued for some time that schools should have coordinated policies on language as a medium for learning and languages as subjects .
7 The Government has argued for some time now that we live in a parliamentary democracy and that all decisions on behalf of the people will be made by Parliament .
8 The Scottish Dairy Trade Federation has said for some time it is not happy with that .
9 Whether society has the right to determine its own morality is a debate which has raged for some time .
10 Angling for the deal that it has sought for some time now , UK firm IXI Ltd , Cambridge , is starting to cast groundbait all over the water in an attempt to land its catch .
11 Speculation emerged in both Manila and Washington that the plan was designed to play for sufficient time to allow for a reversal of the Senate 's decision after the election of its new President in May 1992 .
12 In order to do so we must go back to the very beginning of society , explain the original trauma and then consider what consequences it has had for modern times ; for , as we shall see in a later chapter , an inability to accept the truth about ourselves and our societies is probably the most dangerous threat to the successful solution of our present cultural crisis and is certainly the chief obstacle to progress in the sciences of man .
13 Torrance almost had to pull out of the Lancome Trophy at St Nom La Bretesche when a foot disorder he has had for some time flared up during the final round .
14 Used my travel alarm for the first time having been appointed ‘ waker up ’ for breakfast — not a success as I had forgotten to resent for French time ( one hour ahead ) — many comments about my parentage .
15 The International Stock Exchange has called for more time to implement the changes but so far it has had little success .
16 Pick Systems Inc has recognised for some time that it will have to concentrate on the database side of Pick 's personality in order to survive , but currently only around 40% of sales comes from Pick for Unix , with a few percent going to the MD-DOS implementation and the native Intel Corp iAPX-86 implementation accounting for the biggest part of the business .
17 Neither has spoken for some time .
18 No place to stay for any time , but food every ten miles or fifteen or twenty .
19 The search for such dating methods has continued for some time , but in the second half of this century several methods have been developed , which provide much better ways of dating some sites and finds .
20 However , this is not expected to happen for some time and even when reform is introduced , the probability is that it will be phased in over a number of years .
21 He said yesterday that as Mr Dignum spent most of his time looking after the stores , which include the troubled Silo chain in America , the move ‘ reflects the reality of the situation which has existed for some time ’ .
22 Batch processes are designed to cater for five times as many entries as are currently stored in tables .
23 The pianist was Roger Bluff , who seemed able to draw a singing tone from the Festival piano that I have not heard matched for some time .
24 By working co-operatively , long-term , with the people around me , I hope to continue for some time yet .
25 By working co-operatively , longterm , with the people around me , I hope to continue for some time yet .
26 The company says catering for first time buyers is boosting sales at a time when other builders are reporting big losses .
27 I might have felt a little downcast at that point , only the evening had made me feel more encouraged about my prospects with her than I 'd felt for some time .
28 This mortaring is going to continue for some time . ’
29 Pioneer must be assuming this trend is going to continue for some time ; its Wakefield plant does not go fully on line until 1994 .
30 Some participants on EA have requested that they carry on after their 12 months course finishes , only to be told they ca n't as that might be using this to avoid looking for full time employment .
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