Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] he [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Tory candidate Paul Rayner and Liberal Democray Rosamund Jordan will struggle to keep Mr Bell 's majority under 10,000 despite his concentration on Tees and Hartlepool Port Authority issues , with has diverted him from other matters .
2 Even so , striking on or soon after January 15th would help Mr Bush underline , for the benefit of critics at home and abroad , the clear legal authority the UN has given him for military action .
3 Always the perfect aide , Serrigny tried to distract him with Rabelaisian reminiscences from army life of twenty years ago .
4 Defender Ian Harold starts a three-match ban , while player-boss John Carroll is again doubtful with the Achilles injury that has sidelined him in recent games .
5 Despite bad publicity surrounding child abuse allegations which has dogged him on previous stops in Thailand , Singapore and Taiwan , Jackson 's Japanese fans made clear that , for them , their idol could do no wrong .
6 Wharton , right , says his new hobby , golf , has got him in par-fect shape to slug O'Toole — now known as Fidel Castro — and grab title glory at Elland Road later this month .
7 She tried to imagine him with blue eyes , or brown — or even grey , like her own ; but she could n't .
8 She has been grateful to leave the arguing to him and has rewarded him with gold medal after gold medal .
9 The popularity of Taylor 's devotional books , his sufferings for the Church , his piety , engaging manner , and contacts in influential Royalist circles might have been expected to qualify him for high preferment in the restored Church in 1660 .
10 In terms of his career , Bristol Rovers ' FA Cup tie at Aston Villa on Saturday is Allison 's last ride on a footballing roller coaster that has delivered him to gravity-defying heights and suicidal lows .
11 His subsequent career in equipment and clothing has kept him in close touch with needs , and there is no PE jargon in his down-to-earth advice .
12 Conran is convinced , too , that his experience of manufacturing in the early days has stood him in good stead as head of a retailing empire .
13 His background with the round ball has stood him in good stead in becoming one of the country 's leading goal-kickers .
14 Luckily they seemed to want , even need , to talk , so it was n't necessary for me to try to head him onto other subjects as I had felt might possibly have been the case .
15 Then slowly her sense of humour began to reassert itself and she was able to laugh , remembering the look of amazement on his handsome , hawklike face when she 'd threatened to report him for sexual harassment .
16 But her urgency seemed to provoke him to lazy slowness .
17 Anyone wanting to render him into modern English must reckon with the possibility of having to abandon or in some way replace the metre ; and then , where Horatian Latin steps lightly , so lightly , as to the sound of flutes , in comes English with galumphing hoof , trumpeting rhymes .
18 In 798 those who had plotted against King Aethelred now came together again , probably with the intention of restoring Osbald , for Alcuin wrote to Osbald evidently seeking to deter him from renewed intervention in Northumbrian affairs .
19 So that one day when they are sitting on their fat butts in frankfurt or Langley and some poor guy 's written seven point nine two centimetre automatic rifle instead of seven point nine two millimetre , they wo n't want to fire him for bad writing .
20 Gqozo told the conference that the neo-Nazi Afrikaner Resistance Movement ( AWB ) had promised to provide him with military support if the ANC again entered Ciskei [ see p. 39078-79 ] .
21 Kant thinks , for example , that one who breaks a promise , because it is going to land him in personal difficulties to keep it , can not will that everyone would break their promises in these circumstances , for the situation in which no one kept promises which it turned out in the least difficult or vexatious to keep is an impossibility .
22 All that he could do would be to advise him strongly against resigning , and , as he had done when attempting to dissuade him from dissolving Parliament , back up his advice with a formal protest , allowing Baldwin to tell his colleagues that the King objected to the course he was taking .
23 Rising stars like Phil Tufnell , Chris Lewis and Graeme Hick have never shared a dressing room with him purely as a team-mate , getting to know him on equal terms .
24 She began to shower him with desperate gifts .
25 ‘ You know what you can do with your sphyg , ’ said Wexford , proceeding to tell him in lurid detail .
26 Could she have treated him to similar displays of ill will as she showed her daughter ?
27 Ælfheah 's cult may therefore have presented him with considerable problems , and it is unlikely to be coincidence that the bishopric of London is known to have suffered at his hands .
28 In 1914 he became a master at Eton College , where he remained during World War I , a heart murmur having disqualified him for military service .
29 The Uttoxeter race last month , when he was third to today 's rival Laura 's Beau , will have brought him to full racing fitness after just four runs ( two over hurdles ) in the intervening 23 months .
30 But then the electors of Leyton decided to reject him amid tearful scenes , strangling his political career .
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