Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] he [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Even that surprised me until I found out afterwards that George had known about it all along ; I suppose they did n't want to risk him bringing it up first .
2 And I was doing alright myself , I should n't 've let him do it .
3 ‘ I say let him have it
4 actually tried to replace him have they .
5 In October Mozart 's English friends tried to persuade him to join them in England the following spring .
6 Our task now is to work to persuade him to reverse them as soon as possible , so that legal aid can once again serve its purpose of enabling all those unable to afford legal advice and representation to have access to justice ’ .
7 The law should not encourage B to yield to the threat but should seek to persuade him to resist it .
8 Crowds watched as court staff and police tried to grab him to stop him plunging 30ft on to spiked railings .
9 She tried to get him to let her check in the bar first .
10 I am not a street fighter , I do n't need to hate him to beat him .
11 Andrew Hagans , unemployed , from Cheltenham , has admitted he murdered her .
12 RUBBER-faced funnyman Rowan Atkinson has admitted he plays it strictly for cash .
13 I tried to stop him bringing her , but he 's clearly besotted . ’
14 ‘ If we tried to stop him doing it he would just take it up again when he was older .
15 When friends tried to stop him driving he fell and sustained fatal head injuries .
16 He had the bottles placed under his bed , and when the ward sister tried to interfere he fended her off with the crook while he produced medical certificates , all signed by army doctors , stating his need for regular supplies of the stuff .
17 This slightly unusual speech pattern seemed to enable him to address her directly .
18 Well , she 'd badgered him to let her come along ; she could take cold , muddied feet and be thankful it was n't worse .
19 From the glimpses he 'd caught he believed she 'd had slight curves — he would n't have fancied her otherwise .
20 I think Sam accidentally kicked Hannah , or kicked Hannah I do n't know I was n't there , but he came flying down , really got to curb that child he said , I said I beg your pardon , he said you 've got to curb that child kicking Hannah , I said if I 'd seen him kick her , he said that well I 'm not sure that he actually kicked her it might have been an accident
21 I wish you 'd seen 'im chasin' 'er round .
22 From the beginning , from that electrifying moment when she 'd felt him watching her at the Fabbiano showing , she 'd wanted his kisses , wanted the thrust of his body into hers .
23 Is there anything I can do to help him overcome it ?
24 Penry got to his feet very slowly , standing over her in a way which made Leonora long to back away , but she stood her ground , refusing to let him intimidate her .
25 ‘ Mr Jacobsen , ’ she forced herself to speak slowly and calmly , refusing to let him know he 'd just lit a tinder within her , ‘ it may have escaped your notice that you were not the only member of the cast — come to that , you were n't the only male , either .
26 Never in the entire two years she 'd known him had he inspired in her such a hopeless rage of jealousy as she 'd experienced when Guido had looked at that girl .
27 The fact that she 'd remembered him gave him pleasure , even though she had evidently misheard what had been said .
28 Much more to the point , why had n't he said he knew Charlotte Hanover when she 'd asked him to accompany her here this evening ?
29 He 'd woken that morning , lying beside Vanessa with a hard-on she 'd wanted him to pleasure her with , and had stupidly refused her , knowing he had a liaison with Martine that afternoon .
30 Her imagination had run wild as she had fantasised tirelessly about how it would feel to have him hold her , his mouth pressed in passion against her own .
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