Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] and give [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I know if people stopped carping and gave it a chance , they would get hooked .
2 ‘ You now , of course , come into possession of a substantial sum , following Miss Morgan 's death , ’ McLeish observed , sounding as accusing as he could , and she stopped chewing and gave him her full attention .
3 I let go and gave her a clip round the ear .
4 When she 'd finished and given it to him , they both sat at her tiny kitchen table .
5 Oh they 're going to come and give you another quote or something you said ?
6 We wrote these extraordinary shows , and then I just put on a dinner-jacket , started singing and gave them up . ’
7 Oh do you have to sing and give us all a headache
8 ‘ Let's scuff a ball up the way we are alleged to have done and give it to someone like Devon Malcolm .
9 Erm we do try and be nice to them we do try and give them presents occasionally like little , you may have seen some of them wearing little lions head badges which er are part of the arms of William that we had made .
10 The original wall survives at the base to a greater degree than we had realised and gives us a substantial footing .
11 And er , Margot was behind the and they were painting her house and somebody fell and she had to go and give them artificial respiration or something did n't she ?
12 They had to go and give him some support and they put up quite a good fight .
13 Of the two passengers , both women , one had turned and given them a glare , the other pretended nothing was going on .
14 Matthew sliced it diagonally as Lizzie had described and gave them their portions .
15 Now she saved her animus largely for the council , which seemed unfair , since it had permitted her to buy for almost nothing the house which her mother had rented and given her a grant for improvements .
16 ‘ No , I stayed hidden and gave them time to get away .
17 Nor did I meet you here to be angry with you , I hope I have not so offended you that you refuse to officiate and give us your instructions here tomorrow
18 This exercise should help to clarify the kind of theoretical and practical knowledge you need to update and give you valuable insight into the nature of the job before you return to practice safely and enjoyably .
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