Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] and [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The king , who had returned from Flanders in February and was present in person , was asked to agree to confirm and observe the charters ; to agree that no taxes should be levied without the assent of parliament , and to appoint a council which would supervise the expenditure of money raised for the war and exercise jurisdiction over ministers .
2 Their primary purpose is the conservative one of helping to sustain and maintain the existing order of things .
3 Now why would anyone want to go and do a thing like that ?
4 Why would anyone want to go and see a man who was a coward ?
5 Now , do you want to go and see the specialist about this drink problem , David ?
6 They did n't want to go and kill a lot of people they did n't know .
7 Do you want to go and have a jazz tonight ?
8 We phone each other and say , ‘ Do you want to go and climb a Munro tomorrow ? ’
9 Otherwise you 'd be out more or less into the night because you got to go and see the men at night you see ?
10 it made eating and doing a little more exciting to know that someone else had just ceased doing these basic human things for ever .
11 I bet their gigs are quite fun too although why anyone would want to sit and watch a video of one made by a stoned roadie is anyone 's guess .
12 A couple of weeks after Brighton she came into the shop , presuming we were going out together that evening — without having told me what she intended , I 'd arranged to go and see a band with a mate from art college .
13 I hope I 'll do so , but I must confess that I tend to go and make a pot of tea whenever election coverage starts on the TV .
14 There is also the possibility that the vibrations of the flute being played tend to alert and annoy the snake .
15 The other passage that makes a most extraordinary effect emotionally is Ellen 's exit after she agrees tO go and collect the new apprentice for Grimes .
16 To make matters worse the scheme included an irrigation scheme on common land used by the women and with the help of the government , the men gained exclusive use of these lands , pushing women onto inferior , poorer quality land where they had to continue to try and grow the traditional rice .
17 They sent him delivery order but he failed to come and collect the rice .
18 In each case , according to the audit office , BAS devoted insufficient resources to project management and failed to train and support the project managers adequately .
19 Unlike the herald who sought to observe and note the outstanding ( the chroniclers , notably Froissart , made good use of the reports of battle given to them by heralds ) , the constable and marshal were more concerned with maintaining order .
20 Nerves were a problem he always found difficult to combat and the full glare of the spotlight made walking and singing a tall order that day .
21 In order to understand the involvement of the RB tumor suppressor gene in rat carcinogenesis , we have undertaken to isolate and sequence the rat RB cDNA .
22 Poindexter , weary , did not really want to know and had no memory of the memo at all ; he told him he would see him at the office in the morning .
23 Not only that — we intend to increase and extend the right of access to an appellate system , which does not exist at the moment .
24 ‘ I went , sat the exams , got interviewed and got the place .
25 Litigation may also have a valuable contribution to make in activating and mobilising a constituency of common interests , thereby helping to establish and strengthen a collective political identity on the part of otherwise somewhat amorphous interests groups such as environmentalists , or peace campaigners , among whom there may be less cohesion and common identity than is the case with other campaigning groups .
26 I mean real boredom , that makes you want to scream and tear the curtains !
27 D' you want to come and have a look at him ? ’
28 It 's the hope of council and traders alike that people who 've read the book and seen the film will also want to come and see the Tailor 's city
29 In Spence the deadline stipulated by the purchaser for the sale of the business by a receiver had passed and the receiver ceased trading and dismissed the employees .
30 They were shadows that she could never have imagined when , as a young girl , she had run along the cold sands of Northumberland and watched the east wind flatten and fold the dunes as she dreamed of a bigger , more exciting world beyond — and away from her mother 's influence .
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