Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] in to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The door was open and I did hear that much when I passed to go in to the ladies ' toilet .
2 President Berisha , however , has given in to the nationalists over the question of property restitution .
3 Experience with rural advice in the north east area has shown that telephone advisers become skilled at solving basic problems over the phone and recognising those where the client needs to come in to a bureau for in-depth advice .
4 Well er he 's , she 's got two kids , little ones and has moved in to a house du n no whether it 's with her or not but he 's very touchy about the subject when anybody asks cos Johnny said oh I 'm sorry to hear about you and he g he go goes oh I suppose you know it all do you ?
5 Penguin has a brand new series of ready Readers , a mixture of classic and modern stories at three levels and designed to lead in to the same publisher 's Simply Stories series .
6 This will remove any possibility of bloom in the first year , but it will concentrate the plant 's mind on good long stems which will need tying in to a support like a pergola or arch to show next year 's bloom to best advantage .
7 exactly , but who has to pay in to the contingency fund if it 's agreed by the residence ?
8 She 'd booked in to a hotel on the Place Gambetta , had a leisurely bath to iron out the kinks of the journey , then followed the receptionist 's directions to the old part of the town , a maze of narrow streets where old timbered buildings leaned amiably towards each other .
9 By introducing tough new health warnings and refusing to give in to the tobacco industry 's demands , Mr Waldegrave has already shown himself to be the most effective Health Minister since Sir George Young 's short tenure .
10 It was like nothing she had ever experienced before — she had always been aware she had the capacity for passion , but it was an element of her own make-up she had kept sternly suppressed , her mind refusing to give in to the demands of a young , healthy body .
11 Phil came running in to the street saying : ‘ He shot my granddad ’ .
12 Nor was she going to give in to the warm and leaping sensations being generated in her by the slow , rhythmic stroking of his fingers .
13 However tempting it may be , try to avoid falling in to the trap of ‘ in my day we did it this way ’ or you may receive a stinging reply .
14 It 's obvious with this training thing takes part you know , I 've got to move in to the grotty old school room in so .
15 ‘ So if you believe that share prices look dangerously high after three or four years , you can decide to lock in to the rate you have picked .
16 By then you will have become tuned in to the driving and will be better able to judge if it is safe to go a little faster .
17 A short blast on the ship 's siren to warn the dockyard staff ashore was followed by the thrashing of its propeller , as the transport began to manoeuvre in to the jetty .
18 It went on so long that finally I did undress and started to give in to the sleep I could feel coming on me .
19 She had risen this morning with the intention of going into town and meandering among the shops , perhaps treating herself to a new bonnet , or buying Cissie those pretty boots she had so admired some days ago when the two of them had walked up and down Ainsworth Street , browsing in all the shop-windows ; afterwards , Beth might have called in to the delightful tea rooms at the comer of the boulevard .
20 Titch steered close in to the point and Wycliffe could see the broad path of the Wheel and the mound of turves by which it had been shot into the air before its final plunge into the sea .
21 Erm so that we may well have to link in to the training programme and go back and check , for instance in three where I 've talked about the business plans .
22 Celia kept slipping and Liza kept telling herself she was ridiculous to have given in to the child .
23 He unzipped his bag and took out what few possessions he 'd been allowed to bring in to the cell : a small cassette-radio and a few tapes .
24 For the sake of a quiet life he had given in to an unreasonable request and only now did he fully realize what it meant .
25 At the end of it , just before Myeloski had given in to the rough flight conditions , Duncan had come to realize how sharp the policeman was , how through his individual approach he had put together clues that most others would have missed .
26 But she had done it in a very peculiar way : she had booked in to a private Well Woman Clinic under an assumed name .
27 This beggar had come in to the fitting shop , corner at the back corner , where he should n't have been .
28 ‘ The policeman saw the car coming straight towards him , and thought he was going to be hit , and had to pull in to the side of the road .
29 The water soaks into the ground and becomes sucked in to a sandstone strata , which holds it like a sponge under the city .
30 So far as the law of affray is concerned , the provision in section 3(5) that the offence may be committed in private as well as in public states the existing law on the point , and arguably ‘ corrects the error ’ that had crept in to the law a century or so earlier .
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