Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] i think [pron] " in BNC.

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1 erm he is a member of Vanroch Caerphilly at URC and has done I think he is currently at and erm have felt a gentle call emerging over the last few years and erm all started in Cambridge , that 's about it , that 's all I can say .
2 I thought we 'd got I thought we could satisfy .
3 When I 'd finished I thought I 'd go to the living room to curl up by the gas fire .
4 ‘ As I told you , I spent some time writing letters and when I 'd finished I thought it would be pleasant to get some fresh air so I went out and posted them — in the box outside the main post office — ’
5 I do n't mind saying I think he 's a lovely gentleman ! ’
6 ‘ When they began whispering I thought we were boring them , ’ said Stevenson .
7 People will stand there and they will clutch something , you see their knuckles are white you know and these sort of things erm or they 'll have their notes you know here , and let's be honest about it yeah I can remember when I started training I think you know you used to cling to your notes a three feet flipchart , you know what ca n't you see ?
8 ‘ Steffine woke up and started crying I think she must have sensed there was something wrong . ’
9 Look , when you 've finished eating I think you 'd better come up to cabin 10 and get it sorted out .
10 Mm , they told me though that there 's too much money coming in the house , you , you , you 're only allowed to have I think it 's about sixty something
11 ‘ I regret to say I think you are .
12 So we 've er we 've done I think what we can er as a party about that motorway project and er there will doubtless be more to do .
13 And they put on every consultant through out training course they got I think we 've made I think we 've got sixty five .
14 The least I would expect would be an immediate invitation from the Prime Minister , come and see me , because if it was happening on the streets of any city in Britain and the MP stood up and said what I 've said I think he would be in Downing Street within the night .
15 We 've , we 've accepted I think I 'm say I should be saying we have accepted this er proposal by implication .
16 And the , the , the laugh I had was er , the last time they were advertising for spoolers they , you had to have I think it was O levels or something ,
17 After what had passed I thought there was a line drawn between us .
18 And in China , usually , erm wedding is an important event in the family and an , when I got married I think my parents-in-law wo erm felt erm more excited than my husband and I !
19 ‘ If you study the answers I have given I think you will find that they are very clear , ’ Di Leonardo returned .
20 No we need to get I think I 'll just get half a dozen .
21 ‘ I have to say I thought I 'd done brilliantly .
22 Well if they 're the ones who wanted to camp I think you should go in there , you should er go in the
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