Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] to he [det] " in BNC.

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1 He compounded this appalling error of judgement by standing up to applaud the winners , a misguided attempt at gallantry which resulted in me trying to run out of the stadium and refusing to talk to him all the way home .
2 Carrie flashed Seb a shy smile that , had he been looking at her , would have conveyed to him all the love she was feeling .
3 Yet he could n't quite drum up the enmity that seemed necessary in the circumstances , and that fact quite pleased him , for it proved what an enduring thing male friendship was , even if Jim did look to him less than his old self , and over-dressed in foreigners ' plumes that must have cost a packet in duty , the jacket obviously being pure wool .
4 It was there , while the starlings chattered outside his tall windows , there in Robert 's amiable clutter of a room , that I appeared to confess to him some unpalatable and , indeed , extremely degrading ‘ facts ’ about myself .
5 He remembered how Yuan had come to him that night , pale and frightened , woken by a terrible dream .
6 ‘ There is nothing I would not do for you , ’ he replied , and all at once frustrated beyond enduring , ‘ For pity 's sake , woman , ’ he implored , and , reminding her of a comment she had made to him that delightful mealtime in Bečov , ‘ give me a straight answer to a straight question — are you going to marry me ? ’
7 It was nothing to him , of course — orders were orders — yet it had occurred to him several times that it would have been far simpler to evacuate the Shepherds than go through with all this nonsense .
8 That was how that voice had sounded to him all those years ago .
9 So you feel happier now you 've spoken to him this morning ?
10 In fact , it seems I 've spoken to him more since he left the club .
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