Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] at different time " in BNC.

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1 We suggest you find out where your newly-acquired friends and acquaintances tend to gather at different times of the day .
2 Thus the problem of splitting a program between two storage media , one fast but small and the other large but slow , has reappeared at different times and at different storage levels .
3 In the last chapter we looked at how the social institution of marriage has changed at different times in history .
4 Studies of the 700-km 3 Bishop Tuff eruption and its precursors from Long Valley , California reveal distinct Sr-isotope differences between crystals and their host liquids and between melts erupted at different times .
5 To accommodate such large numbers , visitors were asked to arrive at different times , all carefully co-ordinated to avoid a jam .
6 Most woods have a multitude of banks , ditches and enclosures relating to their former management , which can be shown to have developed at different times .
7 Their financial status seems to have varied at different times in her life from the reasonably comfortable to the distinctly shabby genteel .
8 Consider whether a very bold , outrageous , or dramatic look would be too overwhelming in a dining room which all the family are going to want to use at different times .
9 Tony himself suggested attending at different times each week in order to familiarize himself with different subject areas of the curriculum .
10 There have emerged at different times a number of theories of social psychology or sociology which provide versions of what Schultz ( 1970 : 245–62 ) termed multiple realities .
11 Unfortunately , the idea ( which many people have held at different times ) of a national ballet for South Africa has not come to fruition even now , four decades later , any more than the dream which John cherished when working in Germany of forming a national company there .
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