Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] for this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nonetheless , very considerable experience of using groups for this kind of research shows that they do tend to produce very consistent results , even where different researchers cover the same problem .
2 But I got plans for this money .
3 His last thoughts were that he would make amends for this day ; he could baptise the maiden , they could be saved together , they could marry , he would love her , his heathen maiden , no , his heathen hoyden , he liked the rhyming of that , heathen hoyden , he would cherish her beneath the fruit-laden tree .
4 281 ; Kings North Trust Ltd. v. Bell [ 1986 ] 1 W.L.R. 119 and Barclays Bank v. Kennedy [ 1989 ] 1 F.L.R. 356 all , in my opinion , provide support for this road .
5 It is also possible to find support for this reading by considering Anderson 's interruptions of other speakers .
6 There appears to be little doubt that , of the fixed extinguishing systems available , the automatic sprinkler system has advantages for this type of risk .
7 But even had they sought to do otherwise , they felt obliged to fill the ‘ blind-alley ’ vacancies if only because employers would always manage to find workers for this type of employment however much the exchanges tried to frustrate them .
8 In the meantime , Emilia Lanier tried to provide means for this grandson and his sister , Mary , by claiming in Chancery heritable rights in the patent for the weighing of hay and straw .
9 I expect demand for this service to continue to grow over the coming year .
10 The leading companies are reluctant to provide insurance for this age group and those who will include older people in their schemes have very high premiums .
11 Also enclosed you will find a programme and booking form for this year 's FECMA Conference .
12 Alt has blamed oil for this appreciation , while other economists have blamed the government 's tight money policies and high interest rates .
13 Rollin talks of it as ‘ feelings ’ , and so avoids this , yet his examples rather suggest choices for this course of action rather than that . )
14 ASU Schemes are not designed to provide cover for this type of employment .
15 With the first round of the Regal championship the likely highlight , the meeting should n't lack interest for this series has been a winner from the start .
16 Certainly the early printers saw the commercial viability of producing texts for this market although the writings of the English mystics were not well represented .
17 Speaker K's contribution ‘ picks up ’ the past time element , moving closer to speaker J's time while maintaining the personal reference in my father , who also did work ( stonemason ) comparable to J's ( bricklayer ) and received money for this work .
18 He has also sought support for this view from studies of separate and mixed schooling of different ethnic groups in other countries .
19 SFA chief executive Jim Farry said last night : ‘ We have told the FA we will not give permission for this TV game to be shown in Scotland .
20 The government had yet to receive permission for this sale from creditor banks holding part of the airline 's assets as guarantees of earlier debts .
21 Using only SPRED materials , the group leader will assume responsibility for this celebration within the small community of faith .
22 Behind the project are two famous Dubliners , ‘ My Left Foot ’ director Jim Sheridan and Hollywood heart-throb Gabriel Byrne , also turned director for this project .
23 We have made arrangements for this payment to be made in the resort by the HCI Representative on behalf of Norwich Union .
24 We have made arrangements for this payment to be made in the resort on behalf of Norwich Union .
25 I 've already made arrangements for this week . ’
26 Hopefully they would feel compassion for this victim of sexual abuse .
27 Scribblers added oil for this purpose , while spinners held wool over a steaming kettle and could conceal the removal of half a pound in every six this way .
28 The third problem is the Housing Executive 's requirement under its warranted contractor scheme , which was introduced in 1987 , that people who receive grants for this type of improvement employ a warranted contractor .
29 To design cards for this stitch type is no more difficult than for any other type of stitch pattern , but there are one or two rules that you need to obey .
30 George 's favourite model , his daughter Samantha , had turned model-maker for this project and fashioned a velvet beanbag to help him achieve a realistic finish and to portray the Teddy as an ‘ old bear with modern leanings . ’
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