Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] and me [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well , all I can say is that the strain is driving Jim and me to distraction … . ’
2 But I would , in a way , love to go whilst he 's there but he er he really feels that it would n't be a place that would suit pa and me on holiday .
3 ‘ You want Dick and me to … ’
4 She is observing the Coroner now with that same surreptitious brooding care with which she had once watched Millie and me from her kitchen window , as we stood talking , or not talking , at the gate .
5 I remembered what he 'd told Mavis and me about the book and more than ever I thought it sounded like a good idea — the story of a man rationalizing his own lack of self-belief …
6 A plump monk named Bertie showed Melinda and me round the monastery while the pilgrims ate noisily in a fly-ridden refectory .
7 ‘ She blamed Freddie and me for what went wrong but within two weeks she 'd died herself ; she had never recovered from the birth . ’
8 A pretty young eunuch in a canary-yellow silk sari led Zakir and me through a vaulted passageway and out into a small courtyard .
9 ‘ Miss Fitch took Edward and me for a walk and we gathered stones and pebbles .
10 Knowing where to fish is the real key to success at Scourie and one year Stan took Ann and me to one of his favourite lochs , close to Ben Stack .
11 She said coldly , ‘ I suppose you ask that stupid question because you saw Giles and me on the promenade in Seabourne last night .
12 He was going to make himself invulnerable , and then turn Susan and me into ragged carpets .
13 ‘ I ca n't feed Wolf and me on the allowance and rent a room . ’
14 Leave Pamela and me by ourselves , Jackey , withdraw .
15 Eventually , as the night air became too icy , the last of them filed inside , leaving Mark and me to our more frugal but more spacious bivouac on the terrace .
16 A girl appeared to take Henniker and me in tow .
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