Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] and are [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They are prone to picking up camcorder machine and handling noise and are not very good at recording speech if the source is more than a metre or so away from the camera .
2 Floatplanes have some handling similarities to tailwheel aircraft and are rather different from tricycle landplanes .
3 Broad objectives are set out in enabling legislation and are subsequently amplified as a result of statutory instrument ; ministerial directions ; discussions of the House of Commons Select Committees ; Committees of Enquiry ; consumer councils ; and so on .
4 Both tapes cost £12.99 and are out now from PMI .
5 In a company of five surveyors , all of whom hold shares and are also directors , the question of whether or not an individual may allege ‘ prejudicial ’ conduct by the others will depend on whether the plaintiff has suffered harm as a member .
6 Many birds eat seeds and are often referred to as seed predators .
7 Women pay more attention to detail , but are less democratic ; men relish change and are more competitive and ambitious .
8 The computer industry has only recently realised that , on the whole , ordinary people do not like computers and are only comfortable using them when they do not know they are doing so .
9 The group achieved its highest scores on the qualities crucial for top executives : they relish control and are fiercely independent ; they analyse people , but are caring ; they are relaxed , extrovert and confident , and their optimism matches their need for action .
10 We all know elderly people , including the very old , who relish life and are highly respected and loved by those around them .
11 The key to this task is to recognise that buyers purchase benefits and are only interested in product features in as much as they provide the benefits that the customer is looking for .
12 Beware ! if you take too long they remove their shell , change colour and are even harder to keep up with .
13 Beware ! if you take too long they remove their shell , change colour and are even harder to keep up with .
14 Some have waited for a booming voice to give direction and are still waiting after years of meditation and prayer .
15 Most pay them on the same rates of pay , but because they lack seniority and are usually filling low-skilled , entry-level positions , seasonal workers ' actual earnings are usually lower than those of comparable regular workers .
16 On any reasonable system of accounting , the second-hand and rare book departments are losing money and are heavily in debt to the other side of the business — ’
17 ‘ They simply ignored the advice they were receiving about the likely size of the teachers ’ pay award and are now going around scaremongering .
18 They are twice as likely as any other group to fantasize while they 're actually having sex and are also prone to give their imaginations free rein while in the bath , in the shower or on the phone .
19 If I can tell you that some of the the erm what I would call direct sales people have said they think they can sell advertising and are now in another direction or still resting
20 SCHOOL SPORTS : Why force children on to windswept playing fields even if they hate games and are n't any good ?
21 Leucistic individuals have normal-coloured eyes and are thus easily distinguished from albinos .
22 Plastic bags are just reaching China and are still too precious to be readily disposable .
23 Abuse and neglect are also commonly seen in children of mothers with learning disabilities and are particularly common if the fathers also suffer from learning disabilities or if the children themselves are of normal IQ .
24 Mandarinfish ( callionymidae ) have a poisonous mucus which deters predators and are not usually bothered by larger fish .
25 It is vital that children know that their parents make mistakes and are just as much in need of God 's forgiveness as they are .
26 Extensive consultations have taken place and are now complete , and the document is ready for publishing .
27 In England there are cases where degree holders can not get jobs and are therefore forced to attend further education courses to try to improve their qualifications .
28 I think it 's absolutely essential that West and North , and those bits of North that join West and are equally deprived , like Ardoyne , Oldpark , Duncairn , should be classified as an area of special economic assistance , special IDB support , special funding to ensure that whatever jobs are about when industrialists do appear here from the Koreas , the Japans , the West Germanys and wherever else , that they are taken in here and are told that they would get 10 , 15 , 20% extra for coming in here .
29 Recognising that management structures and procedures exist to facilitate action and are not ends in themselves .
30 Not only that but , since they automatically form lineages and are occasionally miscopied , later versions tend to be ‘ better ’ at making copies of themselves than earlier versions , because of the powerful processes of cumulative selection .
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