Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] and put [art] " in BNC.

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1 Then Auntie Lou made tea and put the biscuit barrel on the table .
2 The minister , Mr Juan Sourrouille , had struggled to contain inflation and to put the government 's finances in touch with something like reality .
3 ‘ He can beat people and put the ball where he wants .
4 Without both , divide-and-rule tactics will open the way to ranking oppressions and putting the groups against each other .
5 Drop the loops from the needles marked X and put the empty needles to non-working position .
6 Then he looked in the pram and saw Steffine and put the knife on her face .
7 And then I thought well I 'll go up and go wee and put the heat on .
8 But erm , so she got erm she , he made a bit of money I think , I think I went rash and put a fiver on .
9 Due to the protection of that ever-watchful subconscious mind , a hypnotic subject will show early signs of approaching stress ; so it is possible for the hypnotherapist to take avoiding action and to put the detachment technique into practice .
10 The kinda hombres who 'd raise hell and put a plank under it … ’
11 For reasons unknown , Adderly ceased production and put the mill up for sale .
12 Sink It took two people 90 minutes to wash up , dry , clean sink and draining board and put the dishes away .
13 Do drink slowly — take sips and put the glass down between sips
14 I believe they need a more direct winger , someone in the Gordon Strachan mould who will get into crossing positions and put the ball in first time .
15 Sir Marcus Fox , the chairman of the Conservative backbench 1922 committee , sprang to the Prime Minister 's defence , accusing the French of ‘ trying to make excuses and put the blame on us ’ for the country 's economic problems .
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