Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] of [noun prp] in " in BNC.

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1 A Tractarian , whose work for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel attracted national attention , he became archdeacon of Dorset in 1862 but resigned , through ill health , nine months later .
2 Templetons became part of Stoddards in 1981 .
3 Nagorny Karabakh , which has a predominantly Armenian population , became part of Azerbaijan in 1923 after the consolidation of Soviet power in the Transcaucasus region .
4 It has occasionally been suggested — notably by Lord Alexander , when he became chairman of NatWest in 1990 — that the Bank might take a more relaxed view , to help industry .
5 James worked closely with his bishops , and in particular with George Abbot , whom he appointed Archbishop of Canterbury in 1611 .
6 Anselm , St ( 1033–1109 ) Born the son of a Lombard landowner , Anselm eventually became Archbishop of Canterbury in England .
7 Aethelheard , abbot of Louth in Lindsey , who became archbishop of Canterbury in 792 , may have been seen in Kent as a ‘ symbol of Mercian rule ’ , but he appears to have obtained from Offa a confirmation of the immunity of Kentish churches ( CS 848 : S 134 ) 52 and he presided without Hygeberht over a synod at London attended by most of the bishops of southern England ( CS 265 : S 132 ) .
8 Thomas Wolsey , an ambitious diplomat , became Archbishop of York in 1514 , and a Cardinal as well as Lord Chancellor , in 1515 .
9 Lamplugh was born in Octon in 1615 and became Archbishop of York in 1688 .
10 Thomas I , archbishop of York from 1070 to 1100 , was his brother ; Thomas II , who became archbishop of York in 1108 , was his son ; and another son was bishop of Bayeux .
11 Madam Deputy Speaker there is course another matter of er of er broader significance and that is that er whilst these orders er er er cover erm certain financial institutions , they do n't erm they do n't cover others , they do n't cover Lloyds of London in so far as I could see , erm I 'd half expected to see the honourable member for Gloucester West er in his place to pursue his campaign that apparently he er he he is not able to be here and indeed er others who sit on the benches opposite who lost a large sum of money in Lloyds , er but they might have had something to say about it as it does seem odd that Lloyds has not been covered , no doubt the minister would tell us that needs primary legislation and I I 'm quite sure this government would move heaven and earth not to introduce another Lloyds bill er because of er the problems that that would no doubt attract .
12 When he became president of Venezuela in 1989 , he inherited a bankrupt country .
13 When Neville Chamberlain became Mayor of Birmingham in 1915 , he was the eighth member of the family to hold the office in half a century , and he was never to forget the influence of his local roots .
14 Thomas of Sandwich subsequently became mayor of Bordeaux in 1289 , and became embroiled in a dispute with the burgesses which led to an appeal to the Parlement of Paris ; his place as seneschal of Ponthieu was taken by Richard de Pevensey .
15 Criticism from the Vatican during the papacy of Pope John Paul II had also resulted in one of Arns 's auxiliary bishops , Mgr Luciano Mendes de Almeida , who was also president of the Bishops ' Conference , becoming Archbishop of Mariana in the largely rural state of Minas Gerais , while other progressive Brazilian bishops , including Arns , had lost their seats on Vatican councils and other responsibilities to conservatives .
16 Even before the eighteenth century there existed various forms of development around the old Chiswick Parish Church of St. Nicholas , such as the first Elizabethan ‘ Burlington Arms ’ ; Vine House ; Pages Yard-Ferry House-Brampton House and the cottages in Fishermen 's Place , also fronting the river , Bedford House ( which included Eynham House ) , Said House and Cottages ; Thames View ; Lingard House ; Red Lion House ; Prospect Cottages also Walpole House , where Barbara Villiers , Lady Castlemain , created Duchess of Cleveland in 1670 , lived in her later years .
17 Only a week after becoming chairman of BP in 1990 , Robert Horton announced sweeping organisation changes that led to over 1,000 job losses .
18 Yet , after becoming dean of York in 1406 he did one more reshuffle of his holdings , then never changed them again .
19 When the last de Burgh Earl of Ulster died in 1333 he left only a daughter , Elizabeth Countess of Ulster in her own right , whom the king married to his second son , Lionel of Antwerp , created Duke of Clarence in 1362 .
20 We ended up trading memories of Paris in the fifties and England before the war .
21 Hurley followed him out , and caught sight of Coleman in Ganem 's office .
22 But , as she reached the open door of the drawing-room and caught sight of Janice in the middle of the room , some instinct told her not to enter immediately .
23 The scared look on the girl 's face when she caught sight of Wycliffe in the yard .
24 Although his predecessor , Paul Channon , sounded a note of caution at last year 's conference , there were high hopes that the party would include privatisation of BR in its next manifesto .
25 Before becoming Bishop of Durham in 1 197 , Master Philip of Poitiers had been a clerk of the King 's chamber and his constant companion .
26 Since then , Barnetts have crossed swords in 1938 , and in the third Test , Ben of Australia ( supported no doubt by fellow Bs Bradman , Brown and Badcock ) caught Charlie of England in both innings .
27 When Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933 , he did so through a normal constitutional process , and as leader of the party with the largest single share of the popular vote in elections for the Reichstag .
28 Of the promotions made under Cnut , nothing can be said of the origins of Ælfric II of Elmham , Leofgar of Lichfield , Brihtmær of Lichfield and Æthelric of Selsey , or of the reasons why Ælfric Puttoc , the praepositus of Winchester , was made archbishop of York in 1023 .
29 The Anglo-Saxon earldoms were allowed to expire ; in place of the influence of the Godwines , Roger of Montgomery was made Earl of Sussex in 1070 .
30 Stumpe was named sheriff of Wiltshire in November 1551 , but died 22 July 1552 , during his term of office .
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