Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] should [not/n't] be " in BNC.

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1 Until now , they 've always been exempt , but booksellers and newspaper owners say knowledge should NOT be taxed .
2 Officials in charge of the Cervical Screening Programme say women should not be deterred from having tests although they could n't rule out more mistakes .
3 But rape counsellors say women should n't be panicked into staying at home .
4 This goes to demonstrate a point that I have long argued businesses should not be hit in the pocket when a dispute arises through no fault of their own .
5 This goes to demonstrate a point that I have long argued businesses should not be hit in the pocket when a dispute arises through no fault of their own .
6 The environmental factors which cause stress should not be underestimated — financial difficulties , often associated with unemployment , inadequate housing , social and family isolation .
7 Cost control should not be limited to the conceptual or design phase alone .
8 She says women should n't be worried about the operation itself , though it can take some time to recover .
9 Merseyside Healthwise doctor Jenny Hopwood says women should not be frightened of Toxic Shock Syndrome just aware of it .
10 Operating expenditure should not be financed by borrowing ; if it is then future taxpayers are paying for services they will not benefit from .
11 It can also be argued on behalf of management that transfer notices should not be mandatory if cessation of the executive 's employment with the company results from wrongful dismissal , redundancy , retirement at normal age , retirement due to ill-health or disability or death ; or if a majority of the non-executive directors and/or the directors so resolve with the investors ' approval .
12 Besides , the actor thinks movies should n't be afraid to push a few buttons .
13 Backpacking the route is quite feasible and buying provisions should n't be a problem .
14 If that 's the case you know resources should n't be going into , into that particular industry or there is not a direct economic case apart from to the social costs that they be involved in .
15 An animal that is overtly unhealthy or has already started to give birth should not be used .
16 The implication is that scanning systems should not be locked into continuous data on limited sectors of the environment … .
17 But this policy of buying time should not be at the expense of those young people who are currently losing out at school .
18 On the other hand there was a powerful body of opinion in the Law Society that employed solicitors should not be left out of the main application .
19 I believe branches should not be afraid of spending money on legitimate expenses if these are necessary to further campaigns and raise the profile of the local organisation .
20 I wo n't add any more to the board because I think you 're starting to get the idea , but one or two others I want you to think about , I believe animals should not be experimented upon for make-up , I believe everybody should be treated with respect .
21 However , the link between planning and state ownership should not be overstated : all companies of any size plan .
22 The patient with perceptual problems who can not judge distances should not be allowed to go out alone into situations where he will have to cross roads .
23 The hesitation which the average individual has in going to Court and giving evidence should not be under-estimated and if there is , therefore , an inclination to avoid that the Tender provides the agent with a basis for persuading the client to accept .
24 Note that in practice Silver and Knitmaster chunky and double knit machines should NOT be set to tuck while knitting with the ribber .
25 I believe children shh , should not be abused , I believe teachers should not be abused , mm .
26 That getting married and having children should n't be something you do because your family thinks it 's a good idea , or because you 're not much good at anything else . ’
27 Similar in appearance to completion items , cloze tests should not be confused with simple blank-filling tests .
28 Drug injectors who continue to share syringes should not be encouraged to clean used equipment but to ensure a regular and reliable source of sterile equipment .
29 The TRC is calculated on form A2317 from the Total number of manhours ( ie not per man ) spent at or in the locality of the customer 's premises only ( travelling time should not be included ) at the following Hour Charge Rates . ’
30 It is important that gross and tare weighings should not be entered on a single ticket unless the interval between the two weighings is less than 24 hours .
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