Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] only [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 A number of statutes contain provisions allowing review only within a limited period , commonly being six weeks .
2 … I have always been able to accept non-cooperation only as an effective instrument of nationalist propaganda .
3 Apparently , because my employment had officially been terminated by me , I had arguably made myself voluntarily unemployed and was therefore entitled to benefit money only after a certain period .
4 We suspect , therefore , that this knowledge had a markedly distorting effect only among a minority of respondents .
5 So far as their work goes it has point only as a mean to these .
6 For all his doubts and self-irony , Palomar still wants to penetrate the secrets of the world and , to this end , what is seen acts only as a means of activating the thoughtfulness of language .
7 Advances of capital and determinations of interest during the life of the beneficiary which have taken place before 26/3/74 can give rise only to a claim for duty or tax in connection with the beneficiary 's death ( a ) If the death takes place before 13/11/74 any claim for estate duty must be made under Section 2(1) ( b ) ( i ) or ( ii ) of the Finance Act , 1894 , and all the present estate duty rules apply .
8 The terms of the contract are not usually negotiable and offers are made subject only to an accountant 's report .
9 The metropolitan Greeks noticed Rome only as a city in the dim distance .
10 Again , as an example , take two parties agreeing to the painting of a house , where , in law , the contract finally made amounts only to an obligation to exercise reasonable endeavours to paint the house .
11 Perhaps recognising the risk , Malaysia has used tariffs only as a temporary form of protection for the first-comer investor in certain sectors , like television sets .
12 Cut a face or slice using water only as a lubricant ; avoid all grease and oil ; do not touch the cut face with uncovered hands .
13 It might be added that when text is input for phonological analysis these problems are if anything magnified , and for these purely practical reasons it was possible in , for example , the Belfast project , to use computers only in a very limited way for text processing ( as opposed to computation , where various statistical packages were extensively used ) .
14 Schemes of this kind enjoyed success only on a limited front .
15 However , where there is a breach of any term which is not a condition , that breach could be either repudiatory ( i.e. equivalent in effect to a breach of condition ) or a mere breach of warranty ( i.e. giving rise only to a claim to damages ) .
16 At the least it is usually laid down that the amendment of the Constitution can take place only through a special process different from that by which the ordinary law is altered …
17 According to early ethological studies , it seemed that the young of certain birds like ducks and chickens would follow the first moving object they met and form a lasting attachment to it ; also that this attachment could take place only within a sharply limited period early on in development , and that it would affect all subsequent relationships .
18 Your traditional culture , or your own religious beliefs , mean that for you , sexual experience , learning and growth will take place only within a monogamous relationship , probably within the institution of marriage .
19 But Mr Desmond Fennell , QC , chairman of the Bar , claimed there was a danger that many people needing legal help would have access only to a ‘ more expensive Jack of all trades , ’ while specialist skills were reserved for the privileged few .
20 At present we can access JANET only as a registered user of Edinburgh University 's system , although the Library can also use Internet through British Telecom 's DialPlus X-28 service .
21 Accepting , therefore , that selection must falsify , I have adopted the compromise of treating diplomacy only within a general context of international relations .
22 Two-dimensional patterns like those of Linnaeus , Cuvier or Swainson made sense only against a background of idealism ; by the 1850s they seemed to close doors to further enquiry rather than open them .
23 Maria , aged 18 months , would drink milk only with a rusk mashed up in her bottle .
24 Because we knew that the headmaster of the Scuola Medie Inferiori , where I was now in my last year , was not in a position to punish us if we did not appear for lessons on demonstration days , many of us took part only for a short time and then went home .
25 Some councillors , who saw Bernard only as a source of irritation , might have welcomed that .
26 The college doors were firmly closed , affording entry only through a smaller aperture , barely the size of a human being , cut into one of them .
27 How long it will remain confidential is a matter for debate , but the US government intends to control the technology 's export strictly , issuing licences only on a case-by-case basis and then only to ‘ US companies seeking to use these devices to secure their own communications abroad ’ .
28 Schleiermacher 's own account of Jesus relied heavily on such psychological study ; so , for that matter , did that of Liberal Theology ; and so too did those which saw Jesus only as a particularly heroic and noble representative of the human race , as did the immensely popular Life of Jesus by the Frenchman Ernst Renan ( 1823–92 ) .
29 3 Incumbent firms can change prices only within a non-zero time lag .
30 The number of signatories to the letter — and up to 50 other House Democrats might agree with its terms , as well as perhaps 25–30 of the 56 Democratic senators — means that a ‘ UN ’ resolution could pass Congress only with a majority small enough to be politically unacceptable , and might well fail .
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