Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [been] [adv] [det] " in BNC.

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1 After Cicero 's De Oratore , there appear to have been very few analyses of the language of humour , comedy and joking , until the twentieth century : at least , judging from Milner 's ( 1972 ) account , cited in Delia Chiaro 's bibliography .
2 I endorse what the hon. Gentleman says about the responsibility that politicians of all constitutional parties have , and a willingness so to talk has been very much present in recent years .
3 ‘ I would definitely like to have been there all the way at the start of history , at the start of human beings , to see all that happened .
4 There seem to have been relatively few trading links with Attica , which is surprising , although a scatter of finds at Thorikos suggests that the Minoans may have been interested in the silver ores there ; if so , the island of Kea could have been used as a trading station for their transfer to Crete .
5 Morris 's role appears to have been both that of a clerk of works , responsible to a greater or lesser degree for the erection of the buildings , and that of an architectural amanuensis employed to make ‘ Drawings and Explanations of his Lordship 's Directions ’ ; but to what extent he was involved in the actual process of design is not certain .
6 Aldfrith appears to have been very much on the periphery of Northumbrian dynastic life before his accession .
7 Overall there appears to have been very little exchange between Kent and other areas of England in the sixth and seventh centuries , but where there is a potential link it may indicate the direction of alliances between groups .
8 As has been noted above , up until now there appears to have been comparatively little research to test public responses to the various new technologies , both large and small scale , or to involve the wider public in the debate about energy policy and the choices to be made from a range of techniques .
9 In addition to the factors already discussed , the main stimulus to employers ' organisation in a number of countries appears to have been less that of a counter to growing union power , or an attempt to achieve market or labour force regulation , and more a response to what was perceived as a threat to common employer interests arising from increasing state intervention .
10 There seems to have been too many people writing blockbusters , and too few plots stretched much too far .
11 As for Philip , the prospect of seeing the man who was supposed to marry his sister go off on crusade for an indefinite period seems to have been too much for him .
12 The advisory group , set up as a result of the SSI 's criticisms , said : ‘ We were disappointed to find that there seems to have been very little improvement . ’
13 There seems to have been very little resentment that Eva should have such a unique opportunity .
14 The fare seems to have been about half the Third Class rate .
15 The rate seems to have been about half that of an ordinary return and was perhaps a day ticket , although no mention of that condition is made .
16 They are believed to have been extremely few in number .
17 Because there does n't seem to have been ever any er revolution that was initiated by working classes .
18 This is an interesting monument because the architect , Rodolfo Vantini , who completed the work in 1828 , wanted to get away from the conventional Roman triumphal arch , ( a decision said to have been as much due to the local inhabitants complaining that they did not want their view of the Lombardian Pre-Alps blocked as to any creative urge ) .
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