Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [indef pn] that [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Previous explorations , in 1987 and 1988 , failed to discover anything that could help explain why the plane crashed on its routine flight from Bologna to Palermo in June 1980 .
2 Then she realized it was her own desire to be valued , noticed even , that made her want to do something that would n't take a minute once she 'd started .
3 I was aching to say something that would help her .
4 To this end , he had not even considered packing anything that could remotely be considered seaside wear , and as a result suppressed a pang of envy when his cab turned along the Victoria Parade and his eyes beheld a scene that reminded him irresistibly of his annual holiday at Margate , fortunately yet to come .
5 Nobody in this much bull-shitted century has achieved anything that can outlast what the men who laid out these stones did here .
6 In the drawing the box is open at the search end and in the search we hope to find something that will fit exactly into that box .
7 gave out she 'd seen something that might upset
8 It seemed to hold something that could n't be articulated , like Christian icons of Christ 's martyrdom , suffering , but sweetly .
9 Good God , he thought , I should like to do something that would really make her jump out of her skin for once .
10 While some Labour politicians have been supportive , others have displayed a small-minded determination to avoid saying anything that might offend Muslim voters , as if that was the highest issue at stake .
11 Catastrophism became a joke and no geologist would dare postulate anything that might be termed a " catastrophe " for fear of being laughed at or ( in recent years ) linked with a lunatic fringe of Velikovsky and Californian fundamentalists .
12 I do n't want to do something that will be acclaimed today and turn out to be disastrous next year .
13 ‘ The Government is pinning its hopes for economic recovery on the housing market , so it would n't want to do anything that would snuff it out , ’ said Mike Simpson , Suffolk spokesman for the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors .
14 Why would I want to do anything that would lessen my chances of making money ? ’
15 Fearful of punitive damages , companies will avoid doing anything that might later be seen as an admission of guilt .
16 ‘ You 'll have to carry something that could be the money .
17 ‘ This will be an opportunity for them to come into their own but without having to do anything that might upset their families . ’
18 In the past the ruling council of Lloyd 's has refused to contemplate anything that would appear to mutualise names ' losses .
19 There were nights when , hearing him start at three or four in the morning , she would have welcomed anything that would let him stop and rest-paregoric , a sugar-tit , any of those wicked things .
20 Maybe she 's a control freak , he was thinking , getting into an unreasonable flap just because she might have taken something that could unclench her a little ; but then if he 'd kept his mouth shut , she 'd never even have known .
21 Since her death he had never wanted to touch anything that might remind him of her .
22 A speech in which the epochal scale of change in the East was acknowledged and yet also modified by President Bush 's innate caution , it was meant to include nothing that would alarm Mrs Thatcher .
23 Mother Francis did want everything that might help to push Eve up some kind of ladder .
24 ‘ You mean that you do know something that may help them ? ’
25 No I do n't think there were , there might have been one or two , yes I do know one that used to make some form of er something for the saddlery trade and you know those houses opposite the alms houses in Road , there are some alms houses on the one side , then there 's some houses that lie up steps on the other side of the road if they 're still there .
26 Since betting was legalised 30 years ago , bookmakers have not been allowed to do anything that might ‘ stimulate ’ a punter to bet .
27 You will appreciate that with political affairs in their present delicate state we can not afford to overlook anything that might touch upon questions of security . ’
28 If you DO video anything that might interest us call our Newsdesk on 0235-554123 .
29 Even if he did not allow himself to betray his secret directly he might let slip something that would provide a clue .
30 When he came in the evening — it was by this time unthinkable that there should be an evening when he did not come — he might let slip something that would make sense of this new move .
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