Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [that] [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 The Pretender nearly gave the game away by holding his skirts too high crossing a stream : ‘ some women whom they met reported that they had seen a very big woman , who looked like a man in woman 's clothes . ’
2 And he has realised that he had nothing to lose even if I am spying for Carlotta .
3 On the shores of uncharted CCT requirements the Computer Co-ordination Section has realised that it had to come up with a leaner , meaner , faster name for the Section .
4 He felt strangely afraid and tried to pretend that he had not seen him , but Basil hurried after him .
5 Sabre has stressed that it had no formal link with Clydesale Office Equipment , which has now closed down .
6 A fourth man , said to have provided the bomb , has added that they had nothing to do with it .
7 In his confused state the Doctor could not reasonably have been expected to remember that he had been captured by Chelonians — creatures whose girth was of a considerably more impressive span than their height .
8 The hon. Member for Hammersmith , who usually knows better , tried to suggest that there had been a 30 per cent .
9 No wonder the Government of the day tried to conceal that it had spent public money on bringing some dotty lady down from her high table to tell us what it is to want what we want .
10 However , the majority of teachers who were interviewed claimed that they had not done anything different from what they would have done were they not being observed , but that they had probably prepared lessons more carefully and thought things through more .
11 Jinny swallowed her rage and tried to forget that she had wanted to go up to Back Clough Dale today .
12 The support of the press was seen as being vital and every manager was expected to ensure that he had his local newspapers on his side , but even this was not enough .
13 The party broke up when Father D'Arcy , whose life was organized round the liturgy , rose saying that he had to attend an obligatory office at Campion Hall .
14 Er that I remember come in laughing saying that he had no kitchen for him for her .
15 When they reached the prison , at Riom , and an official tried to argue that they had no authority to remove the canisters , Jacques Allier took out a pistol and levelled it wordlessly at the bureaucratic face .
16 With resignation she felt the colour steal into her face , and knew he would n't believe her even as she tried to explain that she had n't even seen the rings but had been absorbed by the ornaments .
17 As far as competing local production is concerned , a number of industrialists interviewed said that they had considered the possibility but stressed the superior marketing skills of Lever Bros , diseconomies of small scale production and consumer preference for imported goods as the major disincentives .
18 On more than one occasion she has admitted to being very intoxicated and I understand that she has stated that she had consumed about 24 single measures of dry Martini and lemonade , together with some white wine .
19 In ‘ The disappearance ’ , Imamu has to prove that he had nothing to do with Perk 's disappearance by finding her dead body in someone else 's house having been murdered by that person and Boo has to risk his own life in order to save that of Scout 's before his most ignorant neighbours realise he 's not a squirrel eating monster .
20 People wishing to emigrate would no longer need to prove that they had close relatives in the destination country .
21 It would be a defence for a person charged to prove that he/she had good reason or lawful authority for having the article with him or her in a public place .
22 It would also be a defence for a person charged to prove that he/she had the article with him or her for use at work ; for religious reasons or as part of any national costume .
23 She ceased to wonder that he had survived his long ordeal of flight and hiding and hunger ; he was durable beyond most men .
24 A Washington survey , for example , showed that 38 per cent of those asked revealed that they had been a victim of a serious crime within the last year , compared to the 10 per cent revealed by police statistics .
25 The Labour Party seemed to sense that it had gone too far in criticism of the police , perhaps in response to the far-left , middle-class activists of sociological inclination , and had been too tender towards violent criminals and other deviants .
26 She had decided to pretend that nothing had happened .
27 When the police arrived to rescue the driver , who 'd parked on a blind bend of the motorway , he 'd explained that he had n't wanted to risk ruining his tyre by driving the extra distance to the hard shoulder .
28 I was moved to see that she had absolute faith in my goodwill , for she took the bag without glancing at the contents .
29 Grumble as they might about the Masai 's unbudging attachment to their traditional ways , many administrators , particularly in the later years , came to see that it had its advantages .
30 And she had so perfected this technique of politely disappearing , that she had to live almost half her life before she came to realize that she had almost disappeared to her own self !
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