Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [pos pn] [noun] he " in BNC.

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1 I want to see my mother he said .
2 If Chancellor Norman Lamont wants to ease their burden he should begin by penalising those uncaring banks which have caused a lot of this misery in the first place .
3 When everyone has found their places he stands by the microphone at the top table , hammers on the table with a gavel , and announces loudly , ‘ Ladies and Gentlemen , Pray SILENCE for the Reverend John Smith , who will now say grace . ’
4 His grandmother had slumped into a heap but when Asik tried to lift her head he realised that she too had died .
5 SOME 30 years ago , whenever Professor Wilfrid Bach ventured to blow his nose he faced a hazard which has affected his thinking for life .
6 IF Major wants to make his mark he wants to fire the damn Treasury .
7 GIUSEPPE Palucci loves to tell his friends he is the happiest man in Sicily .
8 The treachery and falsehood he uses to advance his cause he calls prudence , and the path by which he attains his ends , however crooked , he calls straight , whatever he says is lawful . ’
9 If he 'd told your mum he was fat and 48 with a failed marriage behind him , she might have binned his request for a meeting .
10 If he 'd had his way he would have checked me out beforehand , but I circumvented him .
11 Then , pausing to wipe his forehead he asked : ‘ Jos , what was it like , in the forest ? ’
12 Three months after I 'd submitted my profile he sold out to INCUBUS .
13 Two years later after he 'd finished his studies he came back and claimed the part of Scott .
14 As long as the planes came to drop his explosives he did n't give a damn for the rest of the war effort .
15 When you came to make your presentation he would even have put a glass of water within reach in case you needed it — and operated the equipment for you .
16 Without even waiting to see her fall he turned and ran , disappearing into the mist .
17 To avoid paying his debt he drowned Myrtilos , whose dying curse rested on the family : the sons of Pelops and Hippodameia were Atreus and Thyestes .
18 Waiting to play his shot he had seen Caballeros ahead put his second onto the green .
19 No 4 pilot of Jigger Green flight saw an aircraft attacking from the rear and broke into it and engaged it in combat , but as Jigger Green 4 turned to rejoin his flight he saw an aircraft tumbling at about 8,000ft .
20 Lord Palmerston sent for me and told me in a jaunty way that he would have nothing to do with this Gothic style , and that though he did not want to disturb my appointment he must insist on my making a design in the Italian style which he felt sure I could do as well as the other .
21 If an officer does not need to sample to fill his quota he may prefer to rely on his experienced eye instead and run the risk that an invisible pollutant like zinc is present .
22 Although Sukarno fought to retain his authority he was steadily out-manoevred by General Suharto , hitherto little known , so that The Times ( 2 March 1966 ) had to announce : ‘ Remarkably little is spoken of him .
23 When the Americans and British refused to grant his request he pulled the French Mediterranean fleet out of NATO .
24 Having made his decision he then took fairly swift action and was married to his cousin Emma Wedgwood on 29 January , 1839 .
25 Peter Yeo was also in his office , having told his wife he was lunching with a client .
26 On the particular afternoon he decided to end his life he had been watching the marshalling of the fish vans from his office window .
27 For having achieved his object he turns again to his other interests .
28 He remembers telling his wife he was tired of working with ‘ old guys ’ and thought he 'd try a ‘ new kid .
29 Now er they were having a concert and I think was the principal part and when he went to have his fee he said , Oh no you can send it to the Blaenau Ffestiniog .
30 When he 'd started regaining his confidence he told us that he 'd taken over from Terry in the endless arguments with David Jacobsen .
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