Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [pos pn] [noun] i " in BNC.

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1 I mean you want to see his house I mean it was set back off the road and you see the people pull ploughing
2 Each time I stopped to catch my breath I could hear his voice in the distance shouting , " Jane !
3 Okay erm if you want to call your mum I 'll just
4 If I want to maximize my savings I should follow Ruth 's advice .
5 I 'd promised my mother I 'd buy her some new central-heating , and the only time it could be fitted was the next week , so I needed to be home for Monday when the workmen came round .
6 If I 'd had my hat I 'd have taken it off to the guy .
7 ‘ Whenever I 'd played their records I 'd be dancing around me room , and to dance onstage to the music you like is just f—ing awesome .
8 Yeah If I 'd passed my test I would n't have driven there anyway .
9 ‘ Once he 'd recharged his batteries I 'm sure he realised it was the wrong decision .
10 After I 'd kissed her goodbye I felt pretty happy because not only had I at last had an extremely enjoyable sexual experience , but I 'd also been able to give enjoyment .
11 Thoroughly annoyed me because I 'd er every year when I 'd paid my tax I 'd pay my er national insurance and as far I 'm concerned that should 've entitled me .
12 Just I was going to reach his house I was confronted by a flooded Cherry Tree Green .
13 It will be a bit nerve-racking in front of my home crowd and because as I have had to rest my shoulder I am not very fit .
14 I dillied I dallied I dallied I dillied lost me way I do n't know where to roam .
15 It 's not cos she 's it , cos she 's like that you know I bought her summat , when ours were not , not very old , I did n't know what to get her and I bought her an ornament , she says oh I wish people 'd stop buying me ornaments I 've got too many , has to dust round them I thought you 'll get sod all next year
16 ‘ But having seen your report I think the people of Somalia need it more . ’
17 They were a bit away from the Rice Crispie hole type of thing but if I 'd have used my eyes I would have noticed where they were .
18 If they could have restored his sight I am sure they would have .
19 Why such a bizarre notion should have entered her head I can not imagine , but I did not like to disillusion her , so I told her what I could .
20 I certainly had a good time and judging by the sweat on everyone 's brow as they worked to perfect their routines I think it was generally thought to be enjoyable and worthwhile .
21 Having read your manifesto I feel bound to add that your racist policies , your opposition to aid for third world countries , and your proposals for the quarantining of those carry the AIDS virus are deeply repugnant to the Christian consciousness . ’
22 Erm if I knew the pages in the report as well as I try to know my bible I could point you to another place Moderator where er
23 When dad went to do his exercises I did .
24 I had to admit , I did feel good for a moment or two psychologically speaking , but when I stood up to finish tidying my room I began to feel rather ashamed , even though no one had been here to see me or hear me .
25 It had even been easy following them from the racecourse , as when I went out to where my driver had parked his car I had a clear view from a distance of Daffodil at the exit gate being spooned into a royal blue Rolls-Royce by Filmer and her chauffeur .
26 Well I think what I 'll do yeah is like when they 're trying to clean my window I 'll open the gu and shoot er open the window yeah and I 'll get out a gun and shoot them .
27 In trying to remember my Father I suppose the image that comes most vividly to mind is that of a tall , large-boned man with balding grey hair , a rather beautifully-shaped nose and kind but sad grey eyes .
28 Fingers come round , things go in and out of my mouth but even when I venture to open my eyes I see nothing .
29 Do you think it might be an idea to speak to the er to first and get their resp so I 've got their response I think you
30 I 've got my cowboy I 've got my horse .
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