Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [pos pn] [noun] it " in BNC.

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1 If younger children want to feed your fish it 's usually best to measure out the correct amount for them .
2 Once a company has chosen its name it must comply with ss. 348–50 Companies Act 1985 regarding publication .
3 But if the French had threatened to withdraw their troops it was , said Bao Dai , pure blackmail ; and the Americans had fallen for it .
4 Colin Jelf says it was difficult at first but when he 'd passed his brother it was relativelty straightforward .
5 Once you 'd confirmed my suspicions it did n't take long to get to the bottom of the story .
6 If I 'd held my hand it would have looked suspicious .
7 As her mouth opened to gasp her shock it filled with snow and dead leaves .
8 If it was going to harm our sales it would have done it by now .
9 I started a stage snore and I thought that together we must drown any other noise he could make , but when he began to use his saw it seemed to be the only noise in the carriage .
10 I felt very down , but once he began to need my milk it seemed worthwhile and I gradually began to produce a little more at each pumping .
11 Having discarded his gun it was awkward having nothing to occupy his hands , and he would feel even more foolish sitting like a dummy just watching a man he was supposed to shoot eating his lunch .
12 Having said my piece it 's not all bad !
13 Having created your presentation it is essential to practise it thoroughly .
14 Even if a taxi service were provided to take his mother it would not help as there were no other Muslim women there and she would not get any stimulation .
15 Moreover , if the cells keep monitoring their positions it will not matter if , at an early stage , some of the cells are removed from the line .
16 If any country wishes to preserve its identity it must have control of immigration .
17 Presumably if they did modify their behaviour it was in the direction of approximating more closely to their own beliefs about what constitutes good teaching .
18 If I had given my advice it would have been ignored . ’
19 ‘ Green Jack , ’ Tallis said to herself , and as if the sound of the fanciful name from folklore had attracted its attention it took a quick , awkward step forward , sinewy body cracking like old wood underfoot .
20 If France had exceeded its authority it would have been in breach of this agreement , but the effects on the relationship between Morocco and a third party are less clear .
21 No , I 've sent her book back , I 've got her book it 's going back
22 The trouble is , when you 've got your violin it means you never get a chance , you know , if they say well we 're going to prepare however , well she can .
23 They said they arrested us because Rachel had told her grandparents it was us who gave her the drug .
24 my Lord , my Lord er unless I 've miss understood your Lordship it fits in the sense that if you think that unreasonably or even unfairly disclude someone from the market , you 're are excluding someone who would compete in the market , you 're taking someone out who may of had an impact on the market , may of brought prices down , offer better terms and conditions
25 After I had styled my hair it felt very soft and silky and it also seemed much thicker and more glossy .
26 her questions had been more curious than tender and even when she had touched his cheek it was to prove for herself that no bruising remained .
27 And when they had drunk their coffee it was Sara who broke the spell .
28 It crossed my mind that if he had changed his opinions it might be partly because the squalor and expense of the flat — made worse by my bad housekeeping — had begun to get him down .
29 At any rate , everybody would think she had condoned his writing it and that should raise a fine storm for her .
30 If you do n't want to cut your magazine it 's perfectly OK to send a photocopy .
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