Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [coord] that it " in BNC.

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1 By now Kapuscinski is on his ‘ last legs ’ , and he telexes Warsaw to say that he wants to leave and that it is ‘ more or less clear ’ that ‘ the Angolans will win ’ .
2 Make sure that the software is compatible with the other applications you want to run and that it 's the genuine UK version , not a grey import .
3 Make sure that the software is compatible with the other applications you want to run and that it 's the genuine UK version , not a grey import .
4 Gestetner made pre-tax profits of £27.2m last year on sales of £900.3m , but the company has since said that trading in Europe has deteriorated and that it sees only a small profit for the half to end-April.Inchcape is buying the shares from Bermudan-registered Chiltern Capital Ltd , quoted in Australia .
5 While both these objections have truth to them , it is also clear that a range of critical writings which share more preoccupations than differences has emerged and that it can be contrasted to other forms of writing about texts and history .
6 The Dorset TEC said that it was struggling to manage but that it might manage ’ with the provisos that the average length of stay on the scheme remains one year ’ .
7 His purpose was to demonstrate not that the earth did spin but that it was impossible for human reason to prove that it did not .
8 The results from the experiment showed that , when pointing , adaptation to prismatic distortion of a target did occur and that it was not due to any learned mechanism .
9 Mark Whiteside ( 18 ) , said he had only recently started modelling but that it had all been good fun .
10 " Mr Herriot , " he said as the smoke rose around his ears , " do you ever feel when sammat happens that it was meant to happen and that it was for t'best ? "
11 The most exciting part of all , though , came with the discovery that the puppy was the one Farmer Bolsover had lost and that it was a pedigree sheepdog worth at least a hundred pounds .
12 You are entitled to be paid for the proportion of the work that you have done and that it was reasonable for you to do .
13 Spell out your action plan as precisely as possible so that you are clear what you have to do and that it is realistic .
14 Just had a chat with Mickey Stewart and erm , he offered that he thought David Lawrence was a bit tired in the test matches that he 's played and that it 's took it out of him and not , not very quick .
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