Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [noun pl] [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 A suspicious customs man asked to see Melms swing his 6-iron when he arrived in Britain for a ‘ golfing holiday . ’
2 That respect has been earned over the space of a 39- year career with the firm which has seen Grants take its Glenfiddich brand and turn it from a regional tipple in the north-east of Scotland into Britain 's and the world 's leading single malt .
3 But from Lang 's point of view , a decade which has seen councils take their spending protests to the brink of illegal action appears to have drawn to a close .
4 The section of the Manifesto entitled The Institute and Professional Success does list a number of detailed objectives that might be expected to help firms increase their profitability , the most important of which is that ‘ unless required by public interest , the Institute should not seek to impose regulations which have the effect of restricting the freedom of members to succeed professionally and commercially ’ .
5 This book needs an explicit account of aspects of foregrounding to help readers focus their investigations .
6 After all , who wants to let rivals steal their recipes while diners are still calling for more ?
7 It is simply the ability which a person or group has to make others do what he , she or they want them to do .
8 Under such influence he 'd heard rationalists confess their devotion to tabloid astrologies ; heard atheists lay claim to heavenly visitations ; heard tales of psychic siblings , and prophetic deathbed pronouncements .
9 The company is also seeking to help customers manage their software assets by enabling its software products to take advantage of its NetLS technology .
10 These are intended to help customers determine what to recycle in any future plastic recycling schemes .
11 The maternity and child welfare services have been developed to help parents do their best for their children .
12 This tool can be developed to help nurses scrutinise their work or evaluate quantitatively the effects of change within a ward on nurse activity .
13 Well you ha at least have n't got to do vegetables have you ?
14 Once you 've had an opportunity to enjoy it , to see it , you would n't mind letting others share it . ’
15 He would also look to make things work his way .
16 I 'll have a look , but I 've had him doing actual words , like first words er , you know erm , Ben and large and in and out and just the , the easy words and Luke and his own name , so he is already got the idea that when you write a letter you ca n't just write any letter , you 've got to make letters say something either as erm , as an alphabet or in the form of words , so of course she says to , would you all like to write me a sentence , well he 's already passed that stage , he thinks himself well I ca n't write a sentence , what he knows as a sentence consists of words that make sense , so they 're all sitting there going a N , N , N , Q , R , S , N , T , T , and they 're saying a sentence like I went to the shops with my nanny , well Alex has already passed that stage , he knows that that is n't sensible , so he must of turned to her and he said , I ca n't write like that , my mummy will shout at me
17 Most Norwegians do not want to let others get their hands on the goodies — and that is what EC membership would involve .
18 How , against all the evidence , all the overwhelming knowledge she had about Guy Sterne , could she have let events overtake her like that ?
19 A full range of standard and tailor-made training courses are provided to help bureaux carry their own caseload .
20 Consider the following extract which aims to help students find their way around the parts of a textbook .
21 SEL — the University 's language company and recently enlisted CAMPUS member — is continuing to help firms meet their language requirements both at home and abroad .
22 Wordpower and Numberpower are certificates that have been introduced to help candidates improve their communication and numeracy skills .
23 Alexander I Philhellene had medised ( below ) in the Persian Wars ; philhellenism , not for the last time , does not imply letting Greeks have their way politically .
24 Wendy Twist , IHEI programme manager , calls it ‘ a user-friendly , illustrated , living document , a working took to help hoteliers develop their own working methods …
25 The list of knowledge , skills and behaviour set out below gives an indication of the main demands of the role and may serve to help tutors identify their own staff development needs .
26 Do n't let prowling thieves see what you keep in the shed — put curtains at the windows .
27 If posture and where you put your body meant anything ( and she had heard sociologists say it did ) , Steve had a strong desire not to be seen .
28 He had let things take their course , like a rider letting go the reins .
29 He had seen Caballeros make his 3 and knew that unless the Spaniard cracked he would need to finish with two birdies himself .
30 You had made ways clear which before had been dark or fearful with doubt …
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