Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [prep] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Each one of the forty women made some attempt to complete the test , though the number of statements made varied from three to eleven , with an average of 8.03 out of the desired ten per respondent .
2 Gilford has 208,476.57 points and has consolidated his sixth place in the Cup table while Richardson , who finished sixth yesterday on 273 , has jumped from 13th to seventh with 184,746.41 points .
3 Overheating degrades battery electrolyte , and rechargeable types are designed to cope with this to a large extent , but dry cells are not .
4 Pegwell Bay , who will be ridden by Carl Llewellyn , has also attracted support and is 6-1 from 7-1 , while in the face of this Desert Orchid has eased from 8-15 to 8-13 .
5 Since 1988 the number of applications from people who say they have nowhere to live has soared from 160 to 629 .
6 Since 1988 , the number of applications from people who say they have nowhere to live has soared from 160 to 629 .
7 The average number of conscripts in training has fallen from 80,000 to about 15,000 .
8 Bemac 's workforce has fallen from 215 to 140 in the past year and now the firm has appointed a consultant to advise on the restructuring of the company .
9 Rouble interest rates are sharply negative , and the currency has fallen from 144 to the dollar 12 months ago to 812 now .
10 The number of unions that management have to negotiate with has fallen from seven to one and Short 's claims much better labour relations .
11 UK chemical demand is expected to rise by 2.5 per cent in 1992 , and import growth by 3.5 per cent , while exports are expected to fall from 3.5 to 3 per cent .
12 For all vehicles , including heavy goods lorries , the types of emissions covered by catalysts are expected to fall by 2006 to a minimum of about 70 per cent of 1989 's output .
13 Since the act was passed in 1973 some 750 domestic species have been listed as threatened or endangered , but the time between the filing of a petition for a listing and a government decision has lengthened from two to three years .
14 So far the leadership 's reaction to the 1983 and 1987 defeats has differed from that to such earlier decisive election defeats in 1931 , 1951 , 1970 , and 1979 .
15 What is needed now is a new spirit of political leadership in Ireland , able to respond to the changing social mood as effectively as Charles Haughey 's government has responded since 1987 to the changing economy .
16 ‘ Expected ’ family size , recorded in the General Household Survey , has varied from 2.28 to 2.24 ( table 4.5 ) .
17 Similar findings have been made by others although in the different studies , the time of onset of the plateau has varied from three to seven years .
18 If you 're applying to work with three to five aged children then you write references
19 Although opinion polls still show the centre-right 's candidate , Mr Fernando Collor , leading by five million votes , the difference between them has dropped from 13 to six points in one week .
20 Her weight has dropped from 13 to seven stone and she was transferred to Rampton last August for medical treatment .
21 Indeed , the company 's staff has dropped from 750 to around 400 , but revenue per head has increased from around £35,000 in 1988 to £75,000 last year .
22 The parties ' best current estimate of night traffic is that it has dropped from 190 to 29 movements per night since Norfolk Line 's departure .
23 In just a few short years , the average hospital stay after a baby has dropped from eight to ten days in 1982 , to just three to four in 1989 .
24 It might pay Β to help α to beat off the challenge , because if he does not the sequence might become γ — α — Β , and Β has dropped from second to third .
25 Today these figures are only 22 per cent and 39 per cent respectively , whilst support for visits from nuclear-armed ships has dropped from 47 to 24 per cent .
26 Peter Karsten , marketing director of Surfax , which brews the low-alcohol Clausthaler , comments : ‘ The number of products available has dropped from 70 to 50 and it needs to come down to about 20 . ’
27 In the last tenyears the workforce of the Rover works has dropped from 12,000 to 5,000 .
28 The pilot scheme is being carried out in the Matusadona national park near the Zambian border , where the rhino population has dropped from 150 to 16 in the last five years .
29 A quality housing conversion has come at last to one of Paisley 's oldest landmarks , the John Neilson Institution , and saved the building from the ravages of rot .
30 In many cases the amount of section measured was considerably less than 500 ft ( 150 m ) with the average being 216 ft ( 63 m ) ; numbers of mean values used varied from two to six and in 27 cases only one value could be utilised .
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