Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [prep] a time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I got to know after a time that he ad-libbed because he got bored with his lines .
2 I think one wants to go at a time when people still want you to stay , rather than stay until people want you to go .
3 ‘ The injury has come at a time when I would love to be looking forward to making my home debut against Forest .
4 The joint Royal College of Nursing and Nursing Standard survey has come at a time when Essex Rivers Healthcare is trying to save £2.2 million to cope with an overspend of £1.3 million last year , waiting lists are at a record high and the closure date of a Colchester hospital has been set .
5 The revival of takeover speculation — there is little doubt that European and Japanese buyers lurk — has occurred at a time when the merchant bankers , after a long period in the doldrums , are enjoying a rerating on trading considerations .
6 It has occurred at a time when expenditure on the CAP is again almost out of control and increasing all the time .
7 The microcomputer has arrived at a time of high unemployment .
8 Mr Milburn says this has happened at a time when unemployment in the constituency is going up .
9 It will issue CDs with a maturity expected to coincide with a liquidity surplus and hold CDs expected to mature at a time of shortage .
10 For , in the book of Daniel ( 12:4 ) there is a prophecy that seemed to speak of a time when many would pass to and fro and knowledge would be increased .
11 This is something we said we were going to discuss at a time in the future and I thought I 'd stick it on and see how much time we 'd got left .
12 You could decide to work at a time when your partner or a friend is round to see the baby , or arrange for someone — a childminder or relative — to look after her for a few hours each week .
13 There are recognized ways of doing things that ensure that the job gets done at a time when we are probably incapable of thinking things through carefully .
14 There 's three players per team ( chosen before the match ) , but only one gets to play at a time ( plus a computer-controlled goalie ) .
15 In the bond market , the Bank does not actively try to sell at a time when prices are falling ; indeed its spokesmen have often asserted that it can not sell in such conditions , that the views of investors in the short-term are predominantly extrapolative and that few will wish to buy stock when the price is falling .
16 He says it would be morally wrong to reduce spending at a time when millions depend on it just to survive .
17 Soon after he came to power he personally led an expedition against the Shanqalla negroes on the Sudan border , and my father affirmed that the slaughter there must have satisfied for a time even his craving for blood .
18 There have been occasional remarks that some players may have dallied for a time with what are known as recreational drugs .
19 ‘ I know that Ella and Dimity — everyone in fact — will want to know how he is and would like to call , but they do n't wish to intrude at a time like this .
20 An added precautionary measure is to form Newco specially for the management buy-out rather than acquire a shelf company , because a shelf company 's accounting period may have commenced at a time when its Memorandum of Association does not reflect the relevant purpose test , for example , where a general trading company is purchased and turned into a holding company .
21 He lived at Charing Cross in 1585 , in 1589–90 in Writtington , Essex , by 1596 he writes from ‘ my house in Hamsell Park , Sussex ’ , while early in the 1600s he may have lived for a time in Isleworth , Middlesex .
22 On a rocky unmade track through the olive groves , we might have strayed through a time warp into a Biblical landscape .
23 To be , if you 're asked to put in a time signature ?
24 The dog may well overcome its initial fear , and start to feed after a time on its own .
25 In other words , only one gene was allowed to mutate at a time , and that gene was allowed to change its " value " only by +1 or -1 .
26 After this he seems to have retired for a time to his Scottish estates .
27 To have eaten at a time like this would have seemed all wrong .
28 Actually , I have begun to think that I do belong to a time , but it is separated by so many decades from theirs that I reproach myself .
29 Some of the largest marsupials ( Diprotodon ) seem to have survived to a time tantalisingly close to the present .
30 He would have liked , Adam knew , to have lived in a time when a father could forbid his son to do things and the son would obey .
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