Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [verb] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 so it looks like you 've got future there , then you go trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot back now you 've got something slightly different there here you had der der der der der you said okay , future , then you went back there and you found that it was a present tense in English , right , but you needed a future in French because the whole thing is future .
2 Max Henry , who 's kicked around NeXT Inc for the last four-and-a-half years in sales and software recruitment roles , mostly recently holding the post of VP and general manager , Asia Pacific , has jumped shipped to head up the American arm of windowing house JSB as president .
3 just like the ones we used to know know know know where the treetops glisten glisten
4 Such references to property purchase are also highly evident in the entry in the general dictionary ( e.g. ’ house ’ , ’ money ’ , ’ build ’ , etc. ) : buy[ house house money money build afford afford afford small save save vote vote people make able store store sell rent part need cheap cheap car book want ton ton stamp society run provide price paper large income improve home farm expense cost buy bin bin white told start rich public process politic pack operate library instance firm encourage conservative colour activity wise win tool style site secret sand risk remember purchase proportion property proper potato market luxury likely invest hotel holding heavy finish feed favour export equip enter enlarge dress distribute distinct department dear client client clean charge champagne champagne cent cement cement business box bird big appeal aerial advantage accuse ]
5 In between times Fergie has got to keep United up there challenging — with a team that needs strengthening .
6 ‘ It 's more a feeling that here is someone who has thought to hold to hold on to his roots .
7 If it 's a pest , cull it properly , get the authorities in , we 've got more and more specialists sitting in those chambers telling us what to do on farming issues , on B S E , we 've got coming , we 've got a a team of experts , well not one of them has told said gone down in favour of hunting .
8 As the rich , after 10 years of Conservative government , have become proportionately wealthier , the houses they want to buy have become more sought after .
9 Yesterday , Grant was out in a van with a loudspeaker on the roof ; the issues he has encountered have marched well with Labour 's national campaign , health in particular .
10 But if people now think everything he has touched has turned instantly to gold then Gatting was not alone in being deceived that day .
11 The first line of the article stated : ’ Kent County Council has pledged to help sort out the shambles surrounding the International Rail Link . ’
12 There are a few special signs you 'll need to learn to make signalling easier .
13 Members of the gang that kidnapped him are reported to have offered to tell where his remains are , in return for immunity from prosecution .
14 Oh yes , I can give you your 's because you want to get going do n't you ?
15 Cos you want to get cracking do n't you ?
16 Committed to Pray Having learned more about the missionaries and their work we as a fellowship should better informed in order to pray for real people and real situations .
17 THE Government 's decision to levy value-added tax on domestic fuel and power has prompted ScottishPower to carry out a review over the next 12 months to determine the possible impact the tax will have on its 1.6 million domestic customers .
18 The length of life we can expect to enjoy has gone up markedly over that period and the number of children who die before the age of five in developing countries has been reduced by half .
19 The two sons she 'd reared had left home , and even being married to one of the richest men in Europe could n't compensate .
20 Then the car leaped forward and the driver 's door that he 'd forgotten to close swung out and hit the stone pillar at the entrance to the forecourt .
21 SFV , the holiday company he 'd used had gone out of business , leaving Mr Cratchley and his friends four thousand pounds out of pocket .
22 You know , I , I have been put in that situation before , when I 've actually seen , you know , and most reporters are working secondhand , but , you know , I have been in the position where I 've actually seen , part of a police operation take place , mainly because I 'd got stopped coming out on the Huntingdon Road after the , the Mill Road Post Office was , was knocked over a year or so ago .
23 she said she wish 'd had gotten re-married earlier than when she did , so I 'm not quite sure how long it was
24 Heat the thread of the bulb very carefully to melt the glue , remove thread slowing drawing out the filament , do not break the electrical or filament will , just wo n't work pour the liquid into the bulb and slowly lower the filament back dipped in some .
25 I value your friendship enormously , and I 'd hoped to continue to do so . ’
26 On the day he was killed he 'd left work to go home for lunch as usual .
27 Oh , indeed so , erm our domestic life is extraordinarily complicated but when , after my maternity leave expired and when I 'd finished having time off and breast feeding the baby , he in fact looked after her for a term in Cambridge and I came back to Sussex and taught during the week and went back to my daughter and husband at weekends , and now he 's actually taking leave in his turn , if you like , so that he can be the back-up here while I teach and do my work this year .
28 Indeed he seemed to have to keep rushing off to have a word with this person and that ; Helen found herself on her own a good deal of the time , glimpsing him across the room in spirited conversation .
29 She tried to pray but , strangely , the words seemed to have got muddled up .
30 Still on the right and at eye level on Kampa Island are the eaves of the House of the Virgin Mary , where a painting of the Virgin which was said to have come floating downstream has been used as a house sign and a cult object .
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