Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [be] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Eight of the properties Citalia has secured are in an old farmhouse on the estate about two miles away from the castle .
2 ‘ A third role the Guild has to play is in the promotion of the consumption and enjoyment of cheese .
3 The warning voices raised from time to time in the journal appear to have been in the minority .
4 How he must have wished to have been in the puppet 's place , no policies , work and no strings attached .
5 Where the divergence has arisen is in the statement of dogma into which educators have been lured .
6 Despite this assertion of confidence in the judiciary , there must be some doubt as to whether the law as it has evolved is in the best interests of the victim .
7 Those that are now appearing have been in the pipeline for at least two years , having been commissioned before the recession hit the publishing industry .
8 I believe a lot of what they have done has been in a calculated way , like getting George Best on the cover .
9 Yes , yes , but erm , you know , I have had to say to the chaps , one of them came in and he said he 'd been spoiled down at the cedar and I said oh well , I , I 've been cooking a breakfast for Neil of course by the operation of sods law , Neil suddenly goes off the idea of having breakfast , so I find myself cooking breakfast for this other lump , who is as idol and selfish as anybody ever met in all the born days , and I said to him just recently , I said , I , I ca n't get up and do breakfast 's in the morning any more , well he says he come 's down and does he 's own , you see they can when they feel that they want too .
10 It is no longer , as it were , a global political programme , as it may be said to have been in the 19th and earlier 20th centuries .
11 Everything he had done had been in the light of a life he believed we would , one day , share .
12 Instead the address which he had at last been persuaded to give was in a short and narrow street off the Edgware Road , an enclave of cheap , unsmart cafés chiefly Goan and Greek .
13 I I simply do n't know but the paperwork I 've seen says that erm it is as likely in the next four or five years that major inward investors could be in the B one office type of employment as they happen to have been in the last couple of years in the manufacturing class .
14 For the next three centuries there was no further trouble within the Province of Britannia , and all the military problems were confined to the northern frontier , except that in the late second century the Brigantes seem to have been in a state of unrest , but the historical reference is far from clear .
15 The origins of this reform of the services for deprived children seem to have been in a child care scandal , the O'Neill case , which led to the setting up of the Curtis Committee to investigate contemporary practice .
16 Now all I 'm suggesting to him is that there is here apparently a requirement laid down by the treaty which ca n't be aggregated by any one individual member state which could actually only be enforced by reference to a court of justice and what I 'd like to ask is in the light of this very deep seated concern by the French about Strasbourg er and the European parliament building and the knowledge that this is of such importance to the er of er voting and of representation in the community of the European elections .
17 Davidson 's party political position may make him a more objective source than those more closely involved , and he appears to have been in a good position to know what was going on .
18 The sharing of the collector 's salary was really what appears to have been in the thoughts of Craigbarnet and his friends , for Dougalston too returned to this point in his letter to Montrose 's commissioner , telling him that Craigbarnet 's friends had given him to understand that they would support Kirkton 's re-election , ‘ with the same sellary that he now has if he would give Craigbarnett fifteen or twentie pound sterling yearly out of it ’ .
19 On the evidence of inscriptions recorded in the volume , it appears to have been in the possession of Amelia , Lady Lovat , in the 17th century , and John , 1st Duke of Atholl , in the 18th century : it seems to have come into the ownership of Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe in the 19th century , and from there to have passed to the Wigan Free Library .
20 The scheme for a toll road from near Whitburn , West Lothian , to Douglas , Lanarkshire , appears to have been in the doldrums since the Scottish Office accepted the concept in 1990 .
21 May is known to have been in the service of George Villiers , second Duke of Buckingham [ q.v. ] ,
22 It seems to have been in the Eastern seaports of colonial America that the fruit acquired its association with hospitality .
23 Little information has survived about the scale of the pilgrimages , usually at their greatest on the Saint 's Day , 3 April , but it seems to have been in the usual boisterous medieval tradition , both sacred and profane .
24 Another situation where a wife became involved was in the case of sickness , when over half the farms would rely on the wife to keep things going .
25 The child who is learning to read is in a situation that is likely to encourage him to begin to consider possibilities in relation to at least one important act of thought : the apprehension of meaning .
26 Browne did so and from his own contacts within the RUC learned several pieces of information such as the fact that the Star pistol was assumed to have been in the custody of the army since the previous owner was shot a year earlier .
27 ‘ Well , they claim to have been in the Card Room all afternoon talking about the romantic poets . ’
28 When SDLP leader John Hume met the IRA in 1985 he was taken to a house — widely believed to have been in the Republic — and after a wait of 28 hours was introduced to a man who said he was an IRA spokesman .
29 Police who were called to the Lion Tavern in Moorfields found her body on a settee but there was no sign of her 20month-old son Gareth who was believed to have been in the pub when his mother was killed .
30 It 's alleged the car was stolen ; a 16 year old youth alledged to have been in the car at the time , is on police bail .
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