Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [adv] [conj] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 I should say that there are only seventy five seats available for each fringe meeting so if you want to go hurry on and get your tickets which will be issued at level three information desk on a first come , first served basis .
2 I 'll come following you He d yeah it was odd when Frank said that cos apparently what happened , he just sort of started saying that he did n't think that Frank had really been there for him and that he was being a bit sort of selfish and stuff which I mean maybe he has been but the thing is if you know if Frank 's making this massive effort to like fit in and meet new people and stuff then
3 Anger of a kind ; what could those girls , students most likely , know about her life , bloody cheek to come wading in and try and organise your life like that .
4 This meant that Jocasta was unlikely to come bouncing out and invite her in to listen to a Mahler symphony on her record player .
5 Can you see ways in which life for the family has become better and become worse .
6 Or er , or they say fuck off and forget about it .
7 Parents also need to be aware when their child has behaved well and make a comment about this so that the child receives praise and recognition for good behaviour .
8 And that 's only what somebody , somebody has brought out and put together like .
9 Formed in 1981 ULSS helped set up and launch the first Scottish Amicable unit-linked policy — the Capital Investment Bond .
10 subject I sometimes wonder if sometimes the Tory politicians are like Jehovah 's Witnesses really , they sort of set out into battle and say go out and convert these people , we 're gon na slam the door on them .
11 ( You may need to sand down and revarnish once every three or four years . )
12 so we 'll need to finish there but thank you very much Hugh .
13 yeah but you can have a sex change and pee standing up and have testicles , but you can have the X and Y chromosomes can you ?
14 was that erm Jane erm has put down that take place and your name and I said
15 And the men erm as I say come along and sit in the back .
16 It would give me a chance to see your wrist plaster has dried correctly and give our students a rare opportunity to see how fit and active a lady of your age can be . ’
17 I waited all evening for the shout of anger , for him to come bursting in and beat the evil out of the liar .
18 They did a mass formation practise for some show in Cairo , and he would get in the back of an Audax , throw off his parachute and Sutton harness , then kneel looking backwards and control the formation like the leader of the Halle .
19 tried to do joined writing , apparently we are supposed to do that as teachers , actually said got ta put their primary on primary education , it says sit down and write a poem in joined up writing and look at your own writing and before you try to teach it to children make sure that you know
20 Thus the question Raper had to ask was why do the G and C cells stop growing laterally and turn ?
21 She says get up and fight !
22 One thing , you need to go to the bathroom or , or to get a drink , says wake up and go and do it , the other thing , th th the desire to go on sleeping , says you know , well do n't wake now , I want to go on sleeping .
23 And erm if they could have given us a proper explanation why they 'd gone back and prove us wrong them fair enough .
24 Yeah , and we all sail go home and check , just check .
25 Not new light bulbs , the ones that she 'd taken out and put into the plastic bag .
26 Now get up , stop showing off and go home , please ! ’
27 Me an me sister , we thought we were then he says come inside and sing it for our , somebody , you know .
28 Denis Smith says come along and enjoy what they 're putting on and they can guarantee they will be working hard
29 Yes , we had the Labour candidate knocking on our door yesterday and I think John must of been in a right foul mood , cos he he says come in and talk to me
30 Any closer , and they stop peeking altogether and watch the cat closely .
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