Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [conj] is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I have also enclosed some correspondence which Mr Popham has received or is preparing to send on your behalf .
2 PA has developed and is installing a real-time expert system to monitor the operation of BP Chemicals ' butadiene plant at Grangemouth in Scotland , to provide operators with advice and priorities for corrective action .
3 For some reason not clear to me a theory has developed and is reflected in many decided cases to the effect that where the architect has agreed or is required to act fairly he becomes what has often been called a quasi-arbitrator …
4 His note on the beast of Chapter Seventeen of Revelation , the beast which does n't exist and still has to appear and is destined for perdition , is ‘ generalhuman ’ — the word he coined for Notes from Underground and incidentally never used again in his fiction .
5 At the As-Salih Negm Ad-din madrasa and mausoleum urgent action is needed to save the minaret , which has cracked and is sloping one way , while the supporting timber lintel slopes the other .
6 The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has organised and is implementing a series of training programmes and retraining workshops for Namibia 's aspiring and practising communicators at senior , intermediate and entry levels of broadcasting and print journalism .
7 The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has organised and is implementing a series of training programmes and retraining workshops for Namibia 's aspiring and practising communicators at senior , intermediate and entry levels of broadcasting and print journalism .
8 Perhaps the biggest thing he has done though is regarding the image of the club .
9 Environmental audits are defined as determining what the organisation has done and is doing in relation to the environment .
10 The only exceptions are cases in which the court : ( a ) is considering whether to make a residence order in respect of a child in care ( s41(6) ( e ) ) ; or ( b ) has given a direction for investigation under s37 and has made or is considering whether to make an interim care order ( s41(6) ( b ) ) .
11 One person does n't wan na lose and the other one wants to win and is going to go backwards and forwards you just end up pushing and pushing and pushing against each other , pointless .
12 If the latter , this should be done in late summer or early autumn , when the main summer growth has flowered and is beginning to wither , but new shoots are just appearing at the base of the plant .
13 For some reason not clear to me a theory has developed and is reflected in many decided cases to the effect that where the architect has agreed or is required to act fairly he becomes what has often been called a quasi-arbitrator …
14 In the United States , Canada and the United Kingdom , the worst of the recession is over ; in West Germany and Japan , growth has slowed and is slowing .
15 Thus , amongst policemen and women working in ‘ hard ’ areas of high tension , policing in Easton is abused as family disputes and barking dogs , a caricature which many respondents hold and is even reproduced by constables at Easton : ‘ One minute you could be called out , someone 's budgie has escaped and is flying around the living-room .
16 In a more detailed analysis it would be necessary to separate out these different factors and to attempt to assess how each has contributed or is related to changes in the family .
17 The demand may be advertised in one or more newspapers if the demand is for payment of a sum due under a judgment or order and the creditor knows or believes that the debtor has absconded or is keeping out of the way with a view to avoiding service and there is no real prospect of the debt being recovered by any enforcement action .
18 The adolescent is emerging from the small and comparatively cushioned world to which he has belonged and is having to face a great deal of pressure from many different relationships .
19 The question then arises as to whether human activity has exacerbated and is continuing to exacerbate the drought process and whether it can be mitigated by better land management .
20 Before my brain untangles enough to see how to retrieve this situation , Des has appeared and is blowing in my ear .
21 On the other hand , most sovereign governments continue to adopt cash accounting though the pressure to adopt accruals accounting has increased and is beginning to have its effect .
22 Yet , as Friends of the Earth 's transport campaigner Roger Higman said recently , what his department claims as ‘ good ’ has caused and is causing , serious damage to the countryside .
23 The spectrum of jobs history graduates enter has widened and is widening .
24 That influence , far from being confined to the former graveyard of St Giles ' , has spread and is spreading in every corner of the world .
25 But the fact should also be faced that these two developments represent in microcosm what has happened and is happening in many of Britain 's older industrial towns .
26 The ‘ Results ’ aspects are concerned with what the organization has achieved and is achieving .
27 So th let's look then back at this illustration for a moment , this incident , Jesus then gets er a few of his disciples and they go out , in the boat , and there are others who follow him , they get into their boats quite likely , quite possibly that many of the others would have been followers of Jesus , some of his other disciples , it 's unlikely in these very small little er lakeside fishing boats that many of disciples would have got in , there might have been four or five of them that would have been about the lot and so the others would have got into some of the other boats which were nearby and , and others are the people that had been listening to Jesus , they too get into boats , and they pull out following him , wanting to hear if he 's got anything more to say , wanting to witness anything else that he 's gon na do , they wan na be there to see and to hear what Jesus has to say and is going to do .
28 The placebo effect means that any treatment will improve a patient merely because he wants to recover and is responding to the clinician 's attempts to help rather than to a specific treatment .
29 Now the M7 has returned and is running superbly , Hunslet 0-6-0ST No 3163 of 1944 named ‘ Joseph ’ is on loan from the Chatterley Whitfield Mining Museum .
30 It 's important to let people know that the school has changed and is changing .
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