Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [conj] i think " in BNC.

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1 I did n't want to go but I thought she deserved a better life than I could offer .
2 So I I think time has moved on , th the pressure from erm the economic pressure and the right wing pressure has grown and i think we 're now doing the right thing .
3 Yes , I 've got yeah I know they did , but I think after a while they stopped doing that I think the latest ones you 'll find do n't , do n't do that , they gave , you know , after a while they gave that up , but I , I must check on that , I must check on .
4 Can you spell out how our share of the cost has increased because our share of the work has increased because I thought presumably the bill was still divided proportionately between the countries .
5 And if you do n't feel that you can fit in a pupil comment , you have to be very careful here because some people will take it as a cop-out and not do it and a that worries me and it has happened and I think it is important that the youngsters are actually given some guidance and the opportunity to do it .
6 He had a very well-developed but dry sense of humour which I often tried to copy and I think that is why people used to say I was like him .
7 well it is n't even a priority , it 's nothing , they wo n't get the money , th they wo n't pay for walk to go swimming but I thought that now that the has acquired that bus and it 's gon na be standing around doing nothing for most of the time and it 's a twenty nine seater bus .
8 Well you should 've done cos I thought you were going to cos I thought yeah we 've got , have n't got anything to do this afternoon
9 And er that 's how I performed the , but I kept it to myself all these years you know and never told anybody what I 'd done because I think it was terrible .
10 Of course , a bit later still Granny Tremayne said she 'd drowned and I thought : serve her right .
11 My hand seemed to explode and I think I must have screamed .
12 I was gon na say er somebody told me that he 'd left and I thought it was you cos nobody would .
13 The , erm , we 've had erm covered an enormous amount of ground erm so erm and the other people I 'd like to thank cos I think we have established an extremely good relationship with the Hertfordshire er and everybody comments throughout the country that what a good relationship Hertfordshire has .
14 And I think what the Council 's got to do and I think what the what the what the theatre perhaps has to do is only make that leisure card more easily acceptable and available and also look upon the reductions that we give but that perhaps is a way of actually rewarding the people in Harlow to use the theatre and the contribution in actually paying for it at the expense of the people coming in from outside who perhaps do n't pay anything towards the expense of the theatre .
15 I recall reading that I think it possibly was Skerrymor or Cape Wrath but it was stated that the pendulum clock actually stopped .
16 I think I 'd just like to add that I think that this could possibly be a very big piece of work .
17 ‘ I 'd like to change because I think good actors do alter the way they look and it 's something I plan to work on for my career in the future . ’
18 I recall someone complaining about those little cartoon drawings of you lot , I would just like to say that I think they are very comical and nowadays virtually every computer magazine has them ( except for crappy ones like Amstrad Action ! ) .
19 First of all I would like to say that I think erm much of , pretty well all of Mr has brought forward he , he , he 's worthy of attention of support .
20 Er the point I was making to her was erm in her paper which er was excellent by the way , I forgot to say and I think you put it all very clearly and very nicely , y you , you very nicely set out the basic idea that the consequence and that in principle a male need contribute nothing more than his penis .
21 ‘ Steve was never mine to let go but I thought you were and I did n't let you go !
22 It 's rather like er I had a plant the other day , a marigold , and it had been there for about two weeks and it was a lovely plant , and er I noticed it beginning to droop and I thought , oh well it 's finished now , it 's in a pot .
23 Ali himself has acknowledged this : ‘ I started boxing because I thought this was the fastest way for a black person to make it in this country ’ ( quoted by Torres , 1971 , p.83 ) .
24 I felt hotter than I need have done as I thought of the man who fed the dough on long , long shovels into that blazing hole .
25 So having said that I thought that there were more important issues for the council to discuss , I do n't think it 'd be fair to let this second debate on the subject pass without actually making a few er er a very short erm a few short remarks cos I think we need to be clear about the issues .
26 Erm having said that I think the novel is al is a spiritual journey erm not only Jane 's , I should say , but also Rocheter Rochester 's .
27 ‘ I must go , clearly , because I can not defend a policy I candidly dislike , ’ he wrote on 4 November , having already told Sir Walter Monckton , the Paymaster General , on 1 November that ‘ I felt I might have to resign as I thought the policy bad and disastrous . ’
28 But we started to chat and I thought that , in spite of the rotten conditions , there might be some fun in it after all .
29 Then , all of a sudden , there was a sort of bang and the dog started yelping and I thought he must have fallen or something and that he might be hurt .
30 Well , so there you are and I told them , he he said that he wanted erm a urine sample you see and so of course when the nurse come after he 'd gone , later and I kept waiting and I thought to myself well I want to know the result !
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