Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [conj] i had " in BNC.

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1 As I climbed , I tried to remember if I had shut the Wheel Room door .
2 ‘ I seem to remember that he never stopped talking and I had given him the cold fish eye . ’
3 But you know when I when I c last time I came from France and I came a came across the widest part of the channel er I got done once I had a B written on my board and then they come and crossed it out .
4 I thought of the stack of dirty crocks to tackle after tea , of pictures and furniture that were once polished every week , and now got done when I had the time .
5 It was like people were looking at me and guessing my age and looking to see if I had a ring on my finger .
6 I went to talk to RELATE when I had problems with my own marriage .
7 I was in a fever of vicarious excitement , looking at street plans of Florence and trying to remember the name of a boy I 'd met in the Boboli Gardens in 1961 , but friends and relations were wanting to know whether I had really vetted the family , whether I 'd like to hear a selection of au pair horror stories , and whether I 'd made good any gaps in my daughter 's domestic skills .
8 This is when I came to suspect that I had missed something of importance .
9 A little ward-maid appeared at the bedside with an enormous vacuum flask of Georgian tea , refusing to leave until I had downed every drop .
10 I came to believe that I had been responsible for those terrible things , that I was to blame , that I must be very bad .
11 The suggestion about the car had come from the rifleman — he 'd asked if I had a car , and I 'd said yes , because I did n't want them to know that I 'd come by boat .
12 I heard you 'd left and I had business over here . ’
13 ‘ I would n't have offered to help if I had n't had the experience necessary .
14 Maybe you only get one chance at a fish like that — a particular fish anyway — and I blew my chance through not planning what I was going to do after I had hooked him .
15 Then she asked me what I was going to do and I had to say I wanted to go with her .
16 Driving to a knitting meeting with Bryan our Club President , I happened to mention that I had acquired an old Empisal 100 for knitting thicker yarns and slub cottons .
17 Eventually it dawned on me that he was n't going to change and I had the choice of either leaving or learning to live with it .
18 Then I began to worry if I had done the right thing .
19 Before I had been there a month my eyes began to suffer and I had to start wearing glasses for close work .
20 I began to wonder if I had halitosis or a snotty nose , or green eyes , or a squint — surely I am not so unattractive !
21 As silently as I could , I began to move away , and as soon as I was clear of the trees , began to run as I had never run before .
22 I began to think that I had found a friend , and I answered him at once .
23 Two years before I had been diagnosed as suffering from ALS , commonly known as Lou Gehrig 's disease , or motor neuron disease , and given to understand that I had only one or two more years to live .
24 I want to look dark and menacing ; the way I ought to look , the way I should look , the way I might have looked if I had n't had my little accident .
25 Nothing you had done , or said , would have mattered if I had n't .
26 and he just said oh I 'm so sorry he said I would n't have come if I had known , but there was a massive wreath in the garden where that girl was knocked over
27 At least I could have moved if I had been standing .
28 I had infiltrated her teat with a local anaesthetic before stitching but I do n't think she would have moved if I had n't used any .
29 Trouble was I could never run very quickly , and I can not imagine what I would have done if I had been chased by the bull .
30 I dare n't have done if I had n't er oh oh I know once my my doctor came to see me about something and there was erm a lot of people used to use er some pills oh what were they called , little round pills , when at the monthly periods they used to use them , oh Doctor Johnson 's , Doctor somebody 's pills , now they would have the effect of er your period you would see more than you usually did .
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