Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [conj] [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The Tsars , the Habsburgs and the Ottomans sought to rationalize and industrialize their ramshackle empires in order to protect themselves against the expansionism of the modern West European State .
2 ‘ She … she did n't want to go and see him ; she just wanted somebody to tell her he was alive and , what seemed important was , how she was going to tell his people what had happened to him and where he was .
3 Do you want to go and see him ? ’
4 And er they used to say , Do n't you want to go and see what you 've got ?
5 Do you want to go and see what 's going on in the sitting room ?
6 Do you want to go and get something to eat , then .
7 Do you want to go and get your aeroplane , cos I can sit at the table and colour with one hand , and make aeroplanes with the other .
8 It had not occurred to him that Jessica 's behaviour might have put a suitor off , more that Parr would want to go and smack her cheeky face , as he would have done .
9 Well you might want to go and ask him er about it because he 'll be presumably your , your , your personal tutor as well so erm you may be able to get some more er you know , some , some , something off him you know kind of what he thought of your essay or something like that
10 Mm , just got to go and sort them out , hang on I 'm coming up , I do n't know why you did n't go in the downstairs toilet , it would of been easier for me then would n't it ?
11 The extra vehicles in the street with their flashing blue lights , had brought some of the neighbours to their doors or bedroom windows and one of the uniforms was designated to go and ask them if they 'd seen anything .
12 Information is vital to politics and the well off are better placed to acquire and use it .
13 ‘ Look , Jay , ’ she said , ‘ I hate to go and leave you in this state . ’
14 With sin and corruption , doom and catastrophe , threatening on every side , the only danger from the clergy came if they failed to know or do their job .
15 ‘ Father always kept in touch with Peter and he planned to come and see us when he got leave from France , where he was stationed .
16 Punc punctuation do you want to try and do you want to just write it down .
17 So will more than likely be off next week , but I do want to try and get something done with this and some of the other accounts , I want to try and get them out the way before I
18 I agree with my honourable friend er one of the er satisfactory features of the C B I er survey last week , one of the many , was that eighty four percent of firms er in the U K intend to increase or maintain their spending on training and of course she 's absolutely right , they will be the firms that will benefit most from that investment in training as we continue through recovery into growth in the longer term .
19 I chased 'im all the way up the Butts with me stew saucepan , and a bobby 'ad to come an' save 'im from 'aving 'is brains bashed in .
20 You do n't want to under- or over-estimate your strength .
21 I do n't know , he come , he said to me er we we well he come over , you see when I come home from hospital he sa , he had to report to come and see me he was a long while before he did come !
22 ‘ Do you want to come and meet somebody ? ’
23 Hepzibah said , ‘ Only natural that he should want to come and pay his last respects to his sister . ’
24 ‘ When do you want to come and pick it up ? ’
25 After all the tubes had gone my family came to see her , before that they did n't want to come and see her .
26 Er are you intending to , do you want to come and see me now , or do you wan na watch video ?
27 Did McLeish want to come and see it , in situ , because they would have to move it when Forensic had finished ?
28 Do you want to come and see it on mine ?
29 Hello do you want to come and join us ?
30 We 'll just looking at the big book together do you want to come and join us ?
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