Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [pron] could have " in BNC.

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1 Jamie Spence shot a last round 60 to win the Canon European Masters , then heard that someone has said he could have smashed the course record with a 58 — and had blown it !
2 By doing so , the publisher has marred what could have been an excellent publication , but , equally important .
3 It did n't seem right , yet , looking at his face you 'd , she 'd thought he could have come home , but when you lifted the bloody sheets and then she 'd never seen anything like it , and then on the Monday morning , I stayed with him Sunday night and he were on morphine fusions and then on the Monday morning I woke up and mum had gone , when I looked at dad I thought to myself then I thought oh boy you ai n't gon na go now mum nipped home for a bath they said she could and it 'll be alright and they said
4 ‘ I felt that if we 'd signed he could have given us just that little bit extra up front which would have enabled us to win the title , ’ said Ferguson .
5 Mandy seemed to think you could have a summer of light-hearted fun without paying the price .
6 It was a bit cross ( and told the Germans so ) when Germany seemed to think it could have a debate about whether Turkey , a NATO member , was entitled to the benefits of the same collective security which Germany has enjoyed for more than four decades .
7 If we 'd lost we could have gone bottom of the table and that would have been disastrous for a club like Everton .
8 On the other hand , if I 'd lost I could have gone home quicky . ’
9 Iraq , however , perhaps came to feel it could have been even more substantial .
10 At the time she thought she might have to give up riding , and decided that if she had Bubbles broken to harness she could have some fun driving her and doing some in-hand showing .
11 He walked with a limp , and had you not known better you could have mistaken the sores and scabs on his face for the kind of wounds worn by down-and-outs in Cardboard City .
12 We must have parked we could have parked .
13 for three hours with a sur as the surgeon battled to save his life well I 'd have thought they could have plugged wounds with something other than a finger !
14 Well I think , I would have thought they could have done it a bit quicker , the bathroom , if they wanted to .
15 But I would have thought you could have got away with banking once a week .
16 I would n't have thought you could have afforded it so soon .
17 I , I would I would have thought it could have , could take , it could easily take ten days .
18 He must be past thirty now , but she would never have believed he could have grown to make such a gross figure of a man .
19 I would n't have believed you could have told me anything I did n't know about the seamy side of life in this town .
20 Her hands were actually shaking and she would not have believed she could have got herself into this sort of state so quickly .
21 fifty they could , they could have gone they could have gone
22 Executive Trevor East said : ‘ When you add fees for overseas television rights , plus their gates and advertising sponsorship , you would have to think they could have more than doubled the figure we offered .
23 I do think we could have been ‘ sniffing ’ for the second ball better ( ie the cleared headers/knock downs ) .
24 Ca n't wait to get this bedroom sorted out Do think I could have my desk ?
25 More importantly however , everyone enjoyed themselves — I do wish you could have come along .
26 Neither Mala not I bothered to ask who could have done it .
27 ‘ If this issue had been built up by the NFU and sufficient Tory MPs had rebelled we could have reversed the cuts but there seemed to be little fight from Edinburgh .
28 Guido had said she could have a day off , just to get acclimatised , but he 'd been firm that the lessons should start immediately after that .
29 We got we 've got I could have twenty five sales execs sitting er in the Newca Tyne and Wear area put it that way on on across those products and they would n't even bump into each other .
30 She had thought they could have fruit for dessert but the bananas looked a bit black and sorry , and there were only two ( bruised ) peaches left .
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