Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [pron] that it " in BNC.

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1 Often , the counsellor will need to assure them that it is acceptable for them to grieve over their loneliness , their losses and bereavements , and to explore their feelings about life generally .
2 In the three years I 've been here , and because C&P was one of the first ICI groups to move into quality , the value of the quality ethos has taught me that it 's the only way to do business .
3 But the doctrine of the extended phenotype has taught us that it need n't have been so .
4 Experience has taught us that it has not been necessary to invoke the similar or parallel provisions made for those industries .
5 it wo n't be nice and simple like this it 's when they give you the simple one and say integrate it that it 's hard .
6 Although IBM and DEC withdrew their products from Technology following its acquisition by ICL , Coon says that Technology has convinced him that it will not cross sell or give away DG 's secrets to its competitors .
7 So the ‘ house of hype ’ has convinced itself that it 's full steam ahead with the architecture centre and hand the cost ( RIBA Journal September ) conservatively £40,000,000 ( count those noughts ) over 30 years .
8 Stagecoach has been more honest and straightforward than that and has told us that it will bid for every part of the Scottish Bus Group .
9 The Prime Minister has told us that it is a good agreement for Britain .
10 In Scotland there have been fatal aircraft accidents to private aircraft where the occupants were killed in their leisure time rather than while working in their normal occupation , and the procurator fiscal has decided not to take the matter on to the formal fatal accidents inquiry because he has satisfied himself that it was a matter of accidental death in an aircraft accident without suspicious circumstances .
11 I was waiting for you … and then after that night I was here with you , I tried to convince myself that it was over , that I did n't need any more .
12 She had switched the apartment air-conditioning off , distrusting its effect on the health , and for a while she tried to convince herself that it was the unaccustomed humidity that made her so restless , but she did n't really believe it , and the eyes that looked back at her from her bathroom mirror in the morning were shadowy , and hunted .
13 Last month I tried to convince you that it 's worth knowing more about the Windows INI ( initialization ) files .
14 I am sure I do not need to remind you that it is through incidents of this kind that Summerhill is judged and these thoughtless individuals have caused me considerable embarrassment .
15 Well as we approach the end of 1991 , I 'm sure I do n't need to remind you that it has been a very difficult year .
16 You 're going to try to tell me that it was him , not you ?
17 He tried to tell himself that it did n't matter , that you could find the same situation all over the West End ; back in the long-lost days of sweetness and light he could remember taking his wife to a performance of Jesus Christ , Superstar when it had gone through so many cast changes that no-one was even bothering to count , and what a bunch of wankers they 'd been .
18 We tried to tell ourselves that it was all some terrible mistake , and that we would soon be returning home .
19 When she 'd been selected , and automatically compelled to leave the Navy , taking an appointment at a civilian hospital , he 'd told himself that it was his duty to visit her to see that she was settled in … not lonely .
20 She 'd told herself that it had been self-respect , a dislike of casual sex , that had motivated her .
21 In their book , Leytonstone would therefore be real bandit country and Romford , once you 'd convinced them that it was n't actually off the edge of the map , was probably the Twilight Zone .
22 So — in the year in which we 've forced the text-centred discipline that is rock writing to incorporate everything that it has excluded for so long ( the relationship between the star 's body and the fan 's , the voice , the materiality of music ) — maybe it 's time to make criticism grapple with what undoes it , ‘ the uncritical ’ itself .
23 Her old self would have seemed like light-years away as well if Mr Know-it-all did n't keep reminding her that it was n't .
24 But here 's a thought for both men : there are times when a nation has to be persuaded to do something that it does not want to do because its future welfare demands it .
25 Are you going to tell me that it was someone who came back on the train from London who gave you the key ? ’
26 The desirability of this is obvious , though it must be said without wishing to offend anyone that it seems as imminent now as it was when the claim was first being made 30 years ago .
27 She had to get a grip on her ridiculous emotions , had to keep reminding herself that it was only the club he wanted .
28 Those more experienced than Marie in practising acts of intimidation and violence could have told her that it is of ten a mistake to delay , to let your victims talk to you .
29 There is also a suggestion here that her analysis of the relationship between letter and sound can be unsuccessful : -oge is a highly unusual pattern in English ( gamboge : is there anything else ? ) and that should have told her that it was unlikely to be right .
30 They may have told you that it was , but it could n't have been .
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