Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [pron] [to-vb] their " in BNC.

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1 But the unit also negotiates with offenders to try to encourage them to compensate their victims .
2 Reports such as the Newsom Report ( 1963 ) were concerned to find ways to encourage young people to aspire to better jobs and television programmes tried to encourage them to set their sights higher .
3 The truly effective manager is aware of the performance levels that can be expected from each individual and he has helped them to define their own targets .
4 Asking teams and individuals to identify the INSET they feel they need to help them to do their jobs better usually results in comment , possibly indirect , about quality of their work .
5 When I ran the Alliance of Small Firms , we had regular visitors every year sponsored by the Government of Korea , who wined and dined small business men and tried to persuade them to take their work to Korea to be done .
6 We did not reckon on greedy Labour authorities utilising the change to conceal vast increases in public expenditure that they forced on to thousands of unsuspecting electors in our communities , to try to persuade them to change their allegiance from the Conservative party to Labour .
7 The threat to public library services in recent years from declining budgets in the broad area of public services has spurred them to increase their clientele , and convert more non-users to users .
8 The Chairman , on behalf of the members , has asked me to express their appreciation of your excellent presentation and to state how difficult it has been to make a choice from outstanding candidates .
9 Household interviews will be conducted and individuals will be asked questions which will be carefully designed to allow us to estimate their valuation of given public transport services .
10 All three councils have considered scrapping them to cut their spending in line with Government guidelines .
11 Many elderly people become so deeply attached to their animals , however , that when they lose them they go through a very real and depressing bereavement experience ; so every effort should be made to help them to keep their animals properly fed , groomed and exercised when they begin to find this difficult to cope with themselves .
12 The Merchant Seamen 's Fund provided an illustration and stimulus for the development of a large number of private philanthropic societies to provide relief for sick and shipwrecked mariners , Sailors ' homes and schooling for seamen 's children which endeavoured to do something to ease their lot .
13 It praises the driver of the 5.05 from London Bridge to Eastbourne who climbed out of his cab with a fistful of messages from passengers who 'd asked him to phone their wives after hearing the train would be stranded for some time .
14 Their ability to hover enables them to construct their tiny cups on sites that are not even big enough for them to perch on — two crossing stems , perhaps , or even the tip of a leaf .
15 You should aim to avoid inducing them to break their contracts by walking out without either giving that notice or agreeing that the notice period be shortened .
16 On behalf of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council I would like to invite you to attend their next meeting on Thursday 21st January .
17 You 've got to allow them to give their around to where you are with how you open the call .
18 He had n't had to tell them to take their shoes off before boarding at the Co-op quay and in three days of cruising they had washed the sand off their feet after each shore trip .
19 And we had to help them to move and you know help them to move their things and really I saw the kind of difficulties the girls would be living under .
20 A prime function of nurses is to support optimum levels of wellness and function in elderly people , and community nurses , who are increasingly undertaking health screening for this client group , are ideally placed encourage them to maintain their level of wellness , and to offer or organise support when necessary .
21 If this made companies tremble , David Tweedie 's pronouncements will have done nothing to calm their fears .
22 For almost the first time since his reappearance in her life Laura found herself wondering whether she and Ross could have done anything to save their marriage all those years ago .
23 It is not until Stanley overhears that Blanche has been calling Stanley ‘ an animal ’ that he decides that he will have to destroy her to save their marriage .
24 Do they have to do anything to earn their pocket money ?
25 She vividly remembers asking them to turn their backs to her as she was so nervous .
26 The Corpo di Truppe Volontarie ( CTV ) had taken part in the occupation of Malaga , on the south coast , in the first half of February , but Franco had refused to allow them to continue their advance eastwards , towards Valencia .
27 The fact that subjects answered all questions for each stimulus may have caused them to restrict their interpretation of individual tasks such that there was no overlap between tasks .
28 I think one can put forward fairly persuasive arguments that there are no life forms a good deal more advanced than ourselves in our galaxy , simply because I believe that social and environmental and sort of curiosity value factors would have led them to reveal their presence in various ways .
29 The ladies were very excited and decided to ask her to tell their fortunes .
30 It was a stormy meeting during which Callaghan was one of those who clashed angrily with Morrison , arguing that the abandonment of the free vote meant pressurising them to change their convictions , or at least to keep them in cold storage .
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