Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [pron] [adv prt] with " in BNC.

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1 It was a post for which he was singularly unsuited and from which he removed himself or was gently pushed in September 1939 , but , though he failed to hit it off with the central committee , he did bring to the organisation the stamp of institutional legitimacy .
2 On a tree-stump beside one cave-mouth , a raccoon sits swatting them down with its paw , munching the little bodies and discarding the skinny wings onto a growing pile on the ground beside it .
3 Sullivan has grouped the papers under five topics , and has fleshed them out with excellent introductions to each section and helpful editorial notes throughout .
4 Doctor what , if that happens Doctor says that the next time he wants to see us along with him .
5 I I do n't know dust them up with a a cloth and a bit of Pledge I expect .
6 I tried to clean it out with a trolley .
7 When he did n't reply she felt something bad approaching and tried to ward it off with an apology .
8 Only you can answer this and you might need to talk it over with a close friend if you want to get to the heart of your feelings on the matter .
9 ‘ But I 'll think I 'll just need to talk it over with a few people before we run it though . ’
10 She tried to cover it up with a laugh .
11 Mrs Kipling said her husband tried to put it out with a jacket .
12 And I tried to fix it to the door and it would n't , I tried to do it up with Blu-Tack and would have none of it , I tried to do it with Sellotape and would n't do it the Sellotape kept on coming away something in the varnish I think that resisted that so then I thought , right I 'll I 'll tie the thing up in someway , I forget how , and blew away went down the drive !
13 I tried to cheer him up with memories of the last time his ankle was hurting , when we slept in a sheep herder 's cave — lined with graffiti that was centuries old — on the way from Landmannalaugar to the coast near Vik .
14 The parachute has to be packed into a realistic pack — no self-respecting dropnik could be expected to cast itself off with a bundle of nylon in its arms .
15 I tried to knock myself out with some cider I 'd bought , then I swallowed a bottle of weedkiller and started to walk towards the lake .
16 Next thing , he tried to knock it down with his lawnmower — said it ‘ ran out of control ’ .
17 And Sand Table gives every indication that his trainer has laid him out with the Royal Hunt Cup in mind .
18 And Sand Table gives every indication that his trainer has laid him out with the Royal Hunt Cup in mind .
19 I 'm inviting you to consider how far a Christian should go in forgiving and to how far a Christian organisation like this school should go , in showing forgiveness er I just want to kick you off with one or two points on each of those .
20 He tried to slow her down with gestures which she interpreted as signs of denial , and so she poured it on .
21 In fact it has followed it up with an absolutely excellent study pack which has been very widely used within the church .
22 They helped fix us up with clothes , then with a solicitor for an injunction .
23 The blokes tried to get us out with water — the firehoses .
24 In summer , you 'll need to top it up with water to cope with any evaporation and fish will need regular feeding .
25 Also I do n't want him to try to have it off with someone else .
26 Bloomsbury House helped to get him off with a warning , but there was no further contact .
27 But at the same time I 've got a cartoon girl I 'm dying to get it on with .
28 As much as the militants ' venom , I recall the desperation of pickets who said they ‘ just want to get it over with ’ and strikers ' wives wondering where the next meal was coming from .
29 All of a sudden , I want to get it over with no matter if he 's black , white , pink or yellow .
30 After the original hearing Jones said : ‘ The decision has been taken and I want to get it over with .
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