Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [pron] [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We failed to see there would come a point where additional leisure would become more stultifying than satisfying and that the mass of men would be incapable of absorbing any more , ’ wrote the Harvard sociologist , David Riesman .
2 Before the brigade of receptionists change shift they must ensure that all work has been processed as far as possible and that any messages or matters to be dealt with are brought to the attention of the evening shift .
3 ‘ Gradually I got to know what would work , it caught the mood , the shadows held up and the grain was soft , it was like a pastel painting .
4 out of the balcony and he starts singing I can see Keilly
5 In the area of booking contracts a form of damages has developed which may enable the guest to obtain more than the value of the contract .
6 Once your program has STOPped you can investigate the values of the variables to find out why things happened the way they did .
7 In communications , too , the Soviet Union has realised it must modernise or die , whatever the risk .
8 A separator and trivet mean you can cook more than one thing at once and a Rise'n'Time indicator lets you time the cooking process by telling you when the right temperature is reached .
9 mm and when she starts eating she can eat
10 Anyone who has heard it will declare that this is but of a piece with all the rest ! ’
11 Clinton has to promise he will create jobs , even though he is firing thousands of civil servants and military personnel .
12 Once their condition has stabilised they may have to face a whole range of issues : new restrictions ; new sensations ; new embarrassments ; new lifestyles .
13 I want to borrow , I want to borrow we can borrow your brain tomorrow Mandy .
14 Once a vendor has consulted he may find himself under moral pressure from his employees to complete as soon as possible and hopefully re-establish certainty for them over their future .
15 In the present situation , the officers find themselves in a very difficult position , I can not imagine an officer saying no to a member and this is what has happened if we run out of money , then the very thing that we are seeking to do , in other words to implement the democratic process to allow people to come to meetings and speak will go by the way , and I can remember some time ago when I was a new member on here saying I would be prepared to attend property sub-committee briefings as a deputy and not be paid and I was very smartly brought up by a friend in the labour group who said that 's all right for you , you can afford it , but it 's not alright for some of us 'cause we can't. and the difficulty is if we run out of money and we either have to stop the allowances or we have to slash the allowances , yeah , knows who it was , we have to slash the allowances , then legitimately people will be able to say that the democratic process is being stifled because they are not going to be allowed to go to meetings , and therefore , I think that situations whereby a member attends to speak to a , an item , a specific item and then stays on for a double length meetings and claims double length allowances that sort of thing has got to be stopped , and also members attending just to nod approval at something that has happened that they 've been associated with , that should stop , if they want to come they should come at their own expense .
16 Remember , though , that badgering agents is quite useless ; if they want to come they will come , but telephoning them and overselling yourself can be just as useless as not letting them know that you 're alive and working .
17 Jaguar insiders say the company bosses — all 14 of them — are so enthusiastic about the car that every one of them has claimed he 'd spend his own money to buy one if it goes into production .
18 ‘ If you ask me what you want to know I 'll see if I can tell you . ’
19 With the funding John Makepeace has attracted he should have no difficulty finding the students .
20 He chose a stance high up in a plane tree where he knew that if they tried climbing he would see them long before they reached him .
21 Instead he tried to guess what might have been said .
22 He writes because ‘ if I do n't write , I suffer ’ ; he writes because he wants to know what will happen in his book ; he is , he says , his ‘ own reader ’ , prey to a phenomenon : automatic writing .
23 The Secretary of State may only exercise his power under section 61(1) of the Act of 1967 to release on licence a prisoner serving a life sentence if : ( a ) the Parole Board has recommended he should do so ; and ( b ) he has consulted with the Lord Chief Justice and the trial judge if available .
24 As for the poll I think Gav is just a little bit biased in his choice of Cuntona , as im sure anyone who has seen him will confirm Gavs evening job is actually as a Cuntona look a like you know posing for pictures for the Sun with an easel and tweeds .
25 Erm this year the parish has said they 'll pay for it and any contributions will be gratefully received and I think it was three pound last year .
26 VW has yet to finalise specification and prices for the Polos , but it has said they will cost much the same as the models they replace .
27 She wrote , with an unaccustomed fluency , which made her sister wonder if the words had been thought up by her alone , that : — it would not be good for Oreste to leave here at this moment since he has been ill and though he is making a good recovery the doctor who you can be sure I was quick to call and no expense being spared but your money put to good use has said it would injure his general well-being to travel in his weakened state .
28 Sour note economic recession has said it would produce only 4.2 million tonnes of sugar this year , one of the lowest harvests in recent history .
29 Thomas Cook , the travel agency chain which has said it will tender for 12.5 per cent of Owners stock at 150p if the bid fails , moved into the market to pick up what may prove to be a crucial 8.4 per cent stake in Owners .
30 Burtonwood has said it will continue its policy of increasing the size of its estate by the purchase or lease of suitable properties and will take advantage as and when opportunities arise .
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