Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [pron] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 When he asked to see her in his study , a few days after her return from Blaworth , she feared the worst .
2 ‘ I 'd 've given it to you ; I was n't holding out .
3 But Eve Pearce is magnificently anguished and smothering as Henny ( this is the kind of mother whose ‘ I do n't want to burden you with my problems ’ sounds as convincing as ‘ I am not a crook ’ did when it come from the lips of Richard Nixon ) , and Debora Weston flutters and fences vivaciously as the girlish killer and literary know-all .
4 " I do n't want to burden you with my problems . "
5 But there — I do n't want to burden you with my troubles . ’
6 I do n't know how Dawn really feels about me , whether love or trust mean anything to her or not , but I do know that there is something special between us , and it feels like something more than just conditioning .
7 She knew me as Matt and I did n't want to alert you to who I was until I 'd found out what was going on .
8 and I 'm certainly wearing paint tonight , quite a bit of it because its very hot under here and you would n't want to see me without it , but that 's me saying that , I mean why do I ? , why do I ? , why are we all wearing make-up ? , do we actually think we look better ? , are we trying to disguise something ? , yes
9 ‘ Did you want to see me about something ? ’ said Wilcox impatiently .
10 But after he had left them Rain wondered whether Shildon might not want to see her about his MacQuillan inquiry , a matter other events had put out of her mind .
11 ‘ She wo n't want to see someone like you .
12 ‘ That is my assessment of the case , Madame , as I intend to report it to my commandant . ’
13 Fucking , fire 's this gun at him point blank and he goes and he stands there like this , and he , he stood there and he goes running round the corner sort of thing and then he goes he ca n't of missed from that fucking distance you know , and its that distance and er , in the , in the car , the mate goes , the mate sort of till he passed out , and he goes bring it to me , he goes , and its still alive , he goes , but matey in the front goes oh my he goes , I knew you 'd fuck up he goes and so they 're all blanks you
14 People living here must prefer keeping themselves to themselves . ’
15 After work the same evening , my husband and I walked all over the golf course and were eventually rewarded by spotting the dog in the distance , although we failed to coax her towards us .
16 But he was clearly relieved when I agreed to accept it at his hands .
17 If your true friends know that you are a Christian , sooner or later they will want to know something about your faith .
18 ‘ You do n't want me to know anything about you , so why should you want to know anything about me ? ’
19 They did n't want to know anything about me really , apart from ‘ where is it and how soon can we take it off ? ’
20 He does n't want to know anything about you , and what he 's , and it 's got age , sex , erm , it 's acc , A C C , he 's after your accent , could you just put the county that you , you were from please , in that column for him .
21 ‘ I do n't want to know anything about your wife . ’
22 ‘ I 'm not interested in plays or the theatre , and I do n't want to know anything about your work . ’
23 Mum-of-three Nesta insisted : ‘ I have n't read it and I do n't want to know anything about it . ’
24 ‘ I do n't want to know anything about it .
25 I did not want to worry him in his last moments , so I did not tell him that Linton was also dying .
26 I 've pulled him out of it I pulled him out of it for the simple reason , he is the only one which is , I did n't want to segregate him on his own .
27 ‘ You want to see me about something ? ’
28 Well , tonight you may leave early , but I want to see you with my guests every evening .
29 I want to see you on your knees begging for my love before our time is up , and that will be all the satisfaction I need . ’
30 ‘ He tried to unload it on me , ’ said Gareth Holmroyd .
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