Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] you [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If something wants pruning you just show them : you chop this off and you chop that off and you get on with it .
2 Trouble is , if you remove moles you just leave an evolutionary niche for them and they 're another lot move into the field , you can never get rid of them because if you remove your own private moles another
3 ‘ Not if it 's that watered vinegar you always serve ! ’
4 And you get quite remote as you can see people you hardly know you know er fairly distant cousins er but you also get fairly close people who do n't get consideration at all .
5 Now I know it 's only rumours but with Wilko 's abilities when selling players you never know .
6 a lot of his work is , sort of , rather than getting copies you just do a printout
7 So , if it comes out as one , one squared is one so you 've accounted for a hundred percent or all of the variants in the other variable which means that if you know X you automatically know Y , or if you know Y you automatically know X. When you 're doing a correlation study , it 's very hard to work out what 's the dependent and what 's the independent variable because by it 's nature you do n't know .
8 So , if it comes out as one , one squared is one so you 've accounted for a hundred percent or all of the variants in the other variable which means that if you know X you automatically know Y , or if you know Y you automatically know X. When you 're doing a correlation study , it 's very hard to work out what 's the dependent and what 's the independent variable because by it 's nature you do n't know .
9 By perceiving and using pattern you repeatedly capture the rhythm of Nature .
10 To run Windows you really need 4Mb of RAM .
11 And you just never you never you never play football you never enjoy having a game and things like that so .
12 Don t you really want to drink it ? "
13 ‘ Well , thank heaven you finally agree with me ! ’ was all his comment .
14 Watching people you hardly know getting progressively drunk in front of your eyes while you soberly and precisely monitor the way they change is unexpectedly disturbing .
15 instead of just obeying instructions you just say well that should go that way and that should go that way and to me that 's immaterial if you just see it going , see it , if its working that 's it , know where the tops and bottoms of it all I mean I see
16 Well does will you still hear yourself Katie ?
17 What can you gain from sitting behind a desk making and waiting for telephone calls , going from game to game watching players you already know about ? ’
18 This provides what Eo calls a simple ‘ pen and paper ’ -style intuitive interface that requires simple writing gestures rather than keyboard skills to operate — for instance to delete text you simply cross it out rather than entering a command .
19 Or maybe you did n't work hard enough , or had chosen subjects you really did n't enjoy , or you just were n't up to it .
20 Of course most of today 's catalogues are far more colourful , but often some of the mixtures include colours you never find when you grow them yourself or the plants turn out sparse and spindly .
21 You have to relinquish things you actually long to cling to , and you have to know when to remove the safety net .
22 Now I assume that in America as in England , if you have children you then get some financial help .
23 You should also find you have capabilities you never dreamed of .
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