Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] he [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It may easily be objected that if he had wished to avoid becoming archbishop he had simply to refuse .
2 He seemed to be talking to himself , and as he drew level he glanced suddenly in her direction .
3 In 386 Ambrose moved relics he had just discovered in a Milan suburb to one of the new churches he had built to ring the growing city with prestigious sanctuaries ; it was a well thought out act .
4 What it is you have a bit of a power twist that easy and of course that 's embarrassing so when John met Maggie he thought well I ca n't twist her over and get stuck in there .
5 Newmarket Magistrates told Youds he came close to being disqualified for a speeding offence which warranted a six unit fine .
6 A shout told Sharpe he had indeed been seen .
7 Well done Kieran he had already worked his out good boy .
8 For months SCO has resisted adopting SVR4 even though SCO co-founder Doug Michels recently told Unigram.X he had finally ‘ bitten the ideological bullet ’ and was prepared to step out on the SVR4 road provided it could get the right terms ( UX No 398 ) .
9 Finding that broking in political power was more fun than selling milk , Horsley self-importantly told Kinnock he 'd better stick to his socialist principles after being elected Prime Minister , or there 'd be trouble from NoS .
10 A MAN who attacked two sisters at a party told police he remembered little about it because of the amount of drink he had consumed .
11 With that she said no more but dropped down to her shelter and took up some food , an action that told Creggan he had best get on with it and ask no more questions .
12 As he passed Burun he nodded respectfully .
13 In his resignation press conference Michael Heseltine complained explicitly about Mrs Thatcher 's style and performance as Prime Minister , claiming that she had acted unconstitutionally in refusing him permission to discuss the issue in Cabinet and in forbidding him to restate views he had publicly expressed in the past .
14 Mr Spielberg 's told Rosemarie he hopes so , but only if he finds the money .
15 With the Gunners fading alarmingly in their pursuit of the Championship , chairman Peter Hill-Wood has told Graham he has only to knock on his door to be handed virtually an open cheque book .
16 ‘ He 's not bad I suppose ’ — David Quantick on Ecstasy ‘ From the side if you squint and wear shades he looks almost human and not Welsh at all . ’
17 Sir Frank , who had earned his knighthood by making house calls only at houses where there might be photographers waiting outside , had once told George he drank too much .
18 Gedge recognises the irony of now being part of the property owning class he opposed just a few years ago .
19 A busy man who was prepared for ‘ another talk ’ after the prolonged exchange of a few days earlier , was not quite the self-absorbed , withdrawn person he has sometimes been portrayed .
20 When she asked him if he would come with her to see Joanne he put forward the excuse of having his article to write , so Lyn went with Kevin .
21 Under the mop of curls his face , without the emphasizing make-up he wore perpetually on the train , looked younger and more ordinary : it was David Flynn who was at the races , not Zak .
22 When Benedick mocks love he does so in prose , naturally enough ( Much Ado , II.iii.6–36 ) , but as he overhears Don Pedro , Claudio , and Balthasar in verse , beginning the plot against him , we are conscious of the gap between mockery and romance .
23 A playwright once responded to someone who asked him about the message of his play that when he wanted to send messages he did so by telegram .
24 After the changeover he soon and predictably became critical of Chamberlain , but before it took place he seemed wholly unattracted by the game of balancing one possible successor against another .
25 When he saw Burun he smiled unpleasantly .
26 Next time I saw Joe he looked maybe not 10 years younger but certainly a totally different man and ready to rock .
27 When the Nazis took power he went underground and worked in the communist resistance , was arrested and did eight years ' penal servitude .
28 somebody came to settle up bang and he was playing thinking he 'd just been wounded and in fact he 'd been shot and killed , poor chap
29 At PRO Dogs awards dinner he looked so loveable , the urge to give him a hug was almost impossible to resist .
30 The Americans are world champions and half a second faster than the British best — but I can redress that balance just by telling Christie he has only a dog 's chance .
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