Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] have be made " in BNC.

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1 Officers say progress has been made with many of the objectives , and initiatives on surveying public opinion and other upgrading will be researched and developed this year .
2 The " Open Skies " policy had been proposed by the United States in December 1989 [ see pp. 37112 ] , and test flights had been made in eastern Europe [ see p. 37201 ] , but talks on its implementation had effectively been suspended in May 1990 after Soviet expressions of reservations over militarily sensitive areas [ see pp. 37267 ; 38255 ] and they had been reconvened only on Sept. 9 , 1991 [ see p. 38458 ] .
3 A classification of spearhead types has been made ( Swanton 1974 ) which shows how they have broad geographical distributions .
4 But I do n't think reference has been made to a document that is referred to in P P G one , namely the doc the white paper , This Common Inheritance , er D O E document , and in that there 's a clear indication that this question of a new settlement erm should be considered , paragraph six point four eight reads , however well urban land is used , there will continue to be a need for building on greenfield sites , it is important that new housing on such sites is carefully placed to preserve the open countryside , and respects the quality of the landscape .
5 Accordingly , there is no possibility that any moneys paid into the account by Barclays Bank Plc. or Kleinwort Benson Ltd. would still be there now , the last payments made by those parties pursuant to the interest rate swaps transactions having been made in September 1989 and September 1987 respectively .
6 Cost savings have been made in levels of management , although it is claimed that only around 50 jobs have gone .
7 In this study we report the results of detailed analysis of the faecal unconjugated bile acid profiles of patients with colorectal cancer or polyps in comparison with controls and in which a careful attempt at controlling for confounding factors has been made .
8 The majority of delegations have nevertheless said they are in favour of including such consequences within the scope of the law of contracts , but in order to take account of the opposition expressed provision has been made for any contracting state to enter a reservation on this matter : article 22(1) ( b ) .
9 Red and green say on the bench and bench covers called bankers have been made for these as well they would be covered as well .
10 To date , awards totalling £70m have been made by the foundation .
11 However , with the prolonged recession , many finance directors have been made redundant .
12 It is understood representations have been made to the BBC over the issue in recent days but the matter remains unresolved , according to senior Church figures .
13 Attempts to calculate intensities have been made ; Ref. [ 12 ] is a review of this area .
14 The re-examination of NVOCC related rules has been made easier by the FMC regulations implementing the 1984 Shipping Act , as amended in 1990 .
15 BRITISH and Irish ministers last night ended eight hours of talks in London about the reform of the Ulster Defence Regiment without reaching agreement but claiming progress had been made .
16 Also , as the first signatory of the motion , may I say that since it was tabled statements have been made to me about the involvement of Stella Rimington and Mr. Roger Windsor of the National Union of Mineworkers .
17 One attempt to model only critical variables which determine yield has been made by Stocking and Pain ( 1983 ) where they concentrate upon the impact of erosive forces upon the availability of minimum moisture levels .
18 Co-ordinator Pam McHale said £14,500 had been made available for the Streetlink scheme and that approval was expected for another nine schemes over the next week .
19 Places reserved ‘ But supporters of the scheme said provision had been made for disabled shoppers .
20 In 23 patients ( group A ) biliary tract calculi were present either at the time of diagnosis ( 14 patients ) ( Fig 1 ) or subsequently developed some time after the diagnosis of sclerosing cholangitis had been made ( nine patients ) .
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