Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] if he be " in BNC.

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1 I immediately asked Dennis if he was OK , and pointed out that I thought that the ball had jumped up from a good length .
2 He realises it needs attention if he is to complete a full set of major titles by winning the world crown in Stuttgart in August .
3 If there are steps , he may need handrails if he is walking , or a ramp if he moves about in a wheelchair .
4 And I said he 's gon na do damage if he 's trying to get up at the door
5 Like , I did n't know whether to believe him or not , but you 'd feel wick if he was n't spoofing , so I let him off with a caution .
6 Kadan was probably too young to be interested in experiment with one of his mother 's serving women if he was offered the opportunity .
7 A registrar will then have the power to de-register users if he is satisfied that an infringement of one of eight data protection principles has occurred .
8 In that case the Secretary of State was empowered to give directions if he was satisfied that the local education authority was acting unreasonably .
9 ‘ Why me Lord ? ’ is asking God if he was out to lunch when this painful incident occurred .
10 He was then known as Mick Misell , came from the East End , and bristled when an officer , asking Burton if he was going to be an actor , was rebuffed by the reply , ‘ Probably not , sir .
11 Kerry asks Frankie if he 's thought of retiring .
12 Are you asking alright , ask daddy if he 's alright , are you alright daddy ?
13 Come home to Rebecca , you tell daddy , ask daddy if he 's alright , you do it , alright , you alright , say bye , bye , bye , bye say bye , bye to daddy ooh bye , bye , daddy , say bye , bye to daddy , you alright , yes daddy alright , daddy alright what 's in there ?
14 I really thought that I would have asked Chris if he is pay for his erm Society here in .
15 His father Ted , of Stoke-on-Trent , said : ‘ He could endure prison if he were not chained . ’
16 I told him we were simply adapting the phrase from the social security regulations , where for years it has worked perfectly satisfactorily in deciding whether or not a worker should get benefit if he is laid off at another workplace from the one where a dispute is taking place .
17 He kept this strange fallibility from almost everybody he knew , concocting details if he was pressed hard .
18 The GP needs to have information if he is going to look after the patient properly : he needs to know what has happened during the infarct , how severe it was , what evidence there was of heart failure , and whether the angina recurred .
19 His father Kang , a mechanical engineer , said : ‘ My wife and I were very worried about our son 's education because in China , he would be unable to attend school if he was n't able to walk .
20 Child 1 : ‘ I do n't think I 'd like hugging daddy if he was all ( thoughtfully ) covered in soot like from a fireplace .
21 Certainly he hated Robespierre and the Jacobins , and his subsequent disillusionment with the course of the Revolution makes sense if he is seen as an exiled Girondin .
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