Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [is] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Taylor pointed out one of the things about great players who are given freedom is that they work very hard , and Gascoigne is prepared to do that , even in the knowledge that he has been given a special licence .
2 The only good news in the act for those who sell houses is that it is not a criminal offence to omit information unless an omission results in a statement being misleading .
3 The trouble with most biographies and press releases is that they are boring — very , very boring indeed .
4 Here the desires of the vendor and Newco may converge because the problem for Newco in acquiring goodwill is that it will reduce Newco 's distributable profits as it must be written off in the profit and loss account , unless it can be written off against the share premium account .
5 What the charter does promise patients is that they ‘ will be given a fixed appointment time and be seen within 30 minutes or be kept informed of any delay . ’
6 The reason we want regionalisation is that we are the only country within the European Community as it now stands , bar Luxembourg and Ireland , not to have regional Government , regional co-ordination of our economic policies and a proper role for the regions to link across Europe .
7 What causes offence is that he merely represents a shifting of values for the mass of young people .
8 In short , one way of understanding Burgess is that he is describing the moral careers of immigrants ; some successfully adapting and eventually living in what they and respectable Chicago society saw as the ‘ front regions ’ of the desirable suburbs .
9 One thing that worries parents about their children becoming vegetarian is that they might lack protein .
10 I am sure that one of the things that prevents us from accepting help is that we think other people wo n't do things the way we do them .
11 What results from this is that we might be led to think that the problem with defining God is that there is a whole range of ideas about the divine being that tend to produce no very clear overall picture .
12 So even if we agree that abolition was his intention and that that intention would have failed , if we consider also that it was mistaken anyway , we need pursue the point no further , except to add this : granted that the evil of insufficiently regulated competition is that it leads ultimately to the vicious exploitation of employees , the point can hardly be made of industrial co-operatives .
13 Clearly , then , one answer to our question of how banks create money is that they do so by increasing their lending , provided that they are prepared to accept a change in their portfolio composition .
14 One reason why people in our area consistently vote Labour is that they are told by the Opposition that the whole country owes them a living and that everything that has happened to them — the economic misfortunes of past years — has been inflicted purposely by a Conservative Government .
15 Trivial or shallow , in particular , are criticisms levelled at young women for their concern over their appearance ; one of the worst current insults you can throw at an actress or pop star is that she 's a bimbo — concerned only with her looks and nothing else .
16 One of the many compliments that can be paid this finely produced book is that it is worth reading from cover to cover .
17 An incidental advantage of splitting pupillage is that you thereby become known in two places instead of one .
18 The reason for installing QRAM is that I 've been repeatedly informed that one should always free up as much Conventional memory as possible .
19 The trouble with most finance people is that they see things only in terms of money .
20 The problem facing surgeons is that they do n't have the time to devote to research .
21 The most obvious definition for labouring poets is that it includes all those whose support normally depended on manual work , either their own or that of their families .
22 Another problem facing NAB is that it does not wish to be seen solely as a negative force , acting on behalf of the DES in closing courses , but more constructively to encourage new , worthwhile initiatives .
23 Over the years , I have seen so many private gardens and advised so many gardeners on labour-saving tools and equipment , and what comes through loud and clear is that the biggest problem facing gardeners is that they are caught in the trap between growing all they would like to grow , doing all they want to do and having the lime to do it .
24 The reason for the excitement in using lasers is that they enable us to study unstable nuclei , which was not previously possible .
25 One of the most revealing facts about using BM is that you often discover that inadvertently you are either rewarding undesirable behaviour and hence encouraging it , or are mistakenly punishing good behaviour .
26 The service conception establishes that the point of having authorities is that they are better at complying with the dependent reasons .
27 She might have agreed with my friend Roger Hinks — who , after his unmerited disgrace over the too energetic cleaning of the Elgin Marbles , left the British Museum to work for years for the British Council — that the compensation for having acquaintances is that we can make game of them with our friends .
28 The problem with trying to reduce particulates is that it has a trade-off in higher nitrogen oxides ( NOx ) produced , which are frowned upon in environmental legislation in the U.S. and EC .
29 I believe in the end that one of the casualties of taking short cuts and losing integrity is that you will not get good people coming into the business .
30 To my mind the most powerful argument for having saints is that they are such a diverse bunch that among them will be at least one person that even the most eccentric believer can identify with .
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