Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [subord] it have " in BNC.

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1 I asked Pat if it had been love at first sight .
2 The kind of language game in which we talk about ‘ the back of ’ something is one in which that expression has meaning because it has evolved out of all kinds of activity in which ‘ backs ’ exist and can be shown to exist , because verified either by our own movement through space-time or by that of other persons , or both .
3 It was while reading an article about frozen food packaging equipped with a warning patch which changed colour as the food melted , that Wotherspoon made the connection which lies at the root of all great inventions : why not a climbing rope which changed colour after it had been stressed ?
4 A party is regarded as acquiring control if it has the possibility of exercising " decisive influence " on another party in particular by ownership or the right to use all or part of the assets of the other party , or rights which confer decisive influence on the composition , voting or decisions of the other party 's board of directors or of its shareholders ' meetings .
5 It moved in the same half — crouched , shambling run as it had the night before , quietly , stealthily , purposefully .
6 An area of mystery is rational to God , but faith must suspend judgement and not press human reason to answer questions when it has insufficient information .
7 Thus , one person 's project has to be translated into something of wider benefit around the organization — which helps ensure success because it has support .
8 The present Conservative government found it much more difficult to introduce and regulate charges than it had anticipated , an indication of the difficulty being the long delay in issuing a promised consultative document on charges and the further delay before guidelines were produced .
9 The Commission is only likely to open proceedings if it has serious concerns about the impact of the merger on competition in the EC .
10 The second point is that , in the Hedley Byrne case , the bank providing the advice was able to escape liability because it had printed a clear disclaimer on the information excluding legal responsibility for the advice .
11 Today the functions of a local authority almost invariably involve the expenditure of money and it is clearly established that a local authority may not spend money unless it has statutory authority to do so .
12 A strict analogy with judicial review would perhaps give the decision-maker a power ( and a duty ) to award compensation after it had re-made its decision , if it turned out that the applicant had suffered loss as a result of the initial illegal decision ( although there are difficulties in this solution which we will consider in a moment ) .
13 You do n't we were u we had to use the immersion did n't we cos w we moved in in the June and Lofty and Brian said well do n't have it done cos you 're not gon na use until August so we they did it August time for us so but we did n't use Servowarm cos it had blown up , they just disconnected it for us , so we used the ho the immersion heater
14 The draft constitution had been submitted to the House of Representatives on June 4 [ see p. 38278 ] but could not become law until it had been approved by referendum , according to President Joseph Momoh .
15 Rabbits do n't store food so it had clearly gone all that time without intake .
16 It will also detect reinfection when it has occurred .
17 We have only to look at the animal kingdom ; a creature in the wild will never overeat and , even if it has had to put effort into the hunting and killing of its prey , it will stop eating when it has had enough and walk away from the food .
18 Now you know Mr if it 's spelt you may say oh it 's it 's pretty close .
19 can I say that as long as the integrity of each religion is preserved , then education is a very sound er erm is very sound in prospect , but sadly it has become a melting pot and as my Noble Friends like to refer to it a mish-mash and I do n't think it does anything more than serve to confuse children if it 's done badly .
20 He reached out and brushed a strand of hair away from her face , and she felt her skin tingle where it had been touched .
21 Although few have the physical strength to repel their attackers , even a relatively feeble animal can deter aggressors if it has chemical weapons .
22 This manual discusses how to manage LIFESPAN once it has been installed .
23 It is therefore very unlikely that the court would insist on an expert giving reasons where it had not been agreed beforehand that he would .
24 no amendment shall have effect until it has been approved by the Inland Revenue .
25 A spokeswoman for the Ombudsman 's office said the draft report was still in the hands of the DTI and that publication could not take place until it had been returned .
26 The Vale , a moderne pub at Woodthorpe , Nottingham by Cecil Howitt , the favourite architect of the Home Brewery , was refused listing because it had been overly altered in 1968 , although Gedling Council managed to prevent the application of ‘ Victoriana ’ signage .
27 No longer would youth and its culture have such a power to affect society as it had had for those brief few years from 1963 to 1967 : although the sharp end of youth culture was confusing purchasing power with political power and demanding change , many of its constituents were caught by the freeze that , introduced the previous year , signified the end of the ten-year boom that had thrust youth into prominence .
28 As we have already seen , the law has been less ready to protect these interests from negligently inflicted harm than it has been to protect person and tangible property , but we are now concerned only with liability for intended harm .
29 A seventeenth-century painted chest which would have cost $1m if it had been American seemed a bargain at one tenth that price .
30 the printing term for long metal trays used to hold type after it had been set and before the press run .
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