Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [vb pp] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 You can hold the frame tightly together using strips cut from an old cycle inner tube and used as large elastic bands .
2 They work by generalising solutions derived from an iterative pattern recognition process , to ‘ train ’ themselves .
3 British Nuclear Fuels ( BNF ) makes tritium at Chapel Cross in South-West Scotland , using neutrons made in an ageing Magnox reactor .
4 The privatization programme , which had begun with the opening in June 1990 of the stock exchange [ see p. 37620 ] , was framed in legislation approved in September [ see p. 37724 ] and was the responsibility of the State Property Agency ( SPA ) , which was accused of bureaucracy and delaying tactics caused by an insistence on competitive bidding .
5 just as a desire to understand absolute holism led us to analyse the substantive claims of Althusser and Poulantzas , so we must now consider work inspired by an attachment to concessive holism in order to reach a clearer view of its guiding interests .
6 The JMU will take a dim view of any practice in which it discovers repeat breaches or a failure to meet undertakings given at an earlier inspection , regardless of whether or not these were the subject of subsequent correspondence with the Institute ( the fact that they were raised and documented at the closing meeting with the Inspector is a sufficient record ) .
7 It 's still a very small market , but we do believe that consumers want meat produced in an environmentally sensitive and natural way .
8 It has bee replaced by an impressively-mounted Mystere IVA .
9 Killawarra Rose £3.99 Described as an elegant Rose style and full flavoured this was another one of our favourites .
10 A recent survey of industrial relations research traditions viewed from an international standpoint suggests that studies tend to cluster around two underlying assumptions : first , the ‘ pluralist-institutionalist ’ approach , which is especially predominant in Anglo-Saxon countries .
11 Any longer than an absolute maximum of six , he argued , would run the risk of not being able to recapture viewers lost to an unpopular first episode .
12 Part of the licence will be an undertaking by the purchaser not to sell goods covered by an invention .
13 A DARK , unsettling tale told by an abused woman trapped in a motel with two killers , with Bond making a strange last-reel entrance , Fleming was as unnerved as anyone , forbidding a film .
14 Reglazing there is already under way by Express Glass Contractors , a company with experience gained from replacing windows destroyed by an IRA bomb in Whitehall Place earlier this year .
15 Some early designs incorporated fin offset in an attempt to combat it , with varying success .
16 It is useful to photograph the site from a variety of angles , obtaining views both into and out of the proposed development ; photographs often reveal factors overlooked at an initial inspection .
17 The basic principle of the lift is that of two balancing weights positioned on an inclined plane , and suspended by a connecting rope passing over pulley wheels at the top of the plane ( figures 3 and 4 ) .
18 A BOWLS hut destroyed in an arson attack could be replaced .
19 diced or dehydrated potatoes used as an ingredient in broths , salads , soups , stews and vegetable mixtures .
20 It also affects loans secured on an older person 's ( 65 years or over ) home which are used to purchase a life annuity .
21 One person in three would like blasphemy scrapped as an offence — but an equal proportion want it extended to cover all religions , not just Christianity , according to a survey published yesterday .
22 Forest manager Brian Clough is poised to challenge Middlesbrough 's resolve to hold on to the former England Under-21 international after having had Ripley watched during an impressive promotion season .
23 At an inclusive cost per golfer of £50 , the Academy day starts with breakfast and includes tuition given on an individual basis ; a group lesson ; a four-course lunch with wine ; Stableford competition and a champagne reception and prize-giving .
24 When white blood cells attack cells infected with an invader , this is murder , not suicide .
25 Do n't miss our most popular night in Majorca — the ‘ Pirates Adventure ’ — a feast of spectacular dancing , juggling , knife throwing and swashbuckling swordsmanship followed by an excellent meal .
26 On 2 March 1988 the first defendant surrendered the lease in consideration of the plaintiff accepting goods listed in an inventory , which were later sold for £309 , in full and final settlement of all claims and demands against him under the lease .
27 We have seen the subsidiary information field as providing parameters needed by an operation , such as the number of bits to be shifted or the length of an operand .
28 Sartre 's ethnocentricity derives from the whole project of his existentialism and his phenomenological definition of man in terms of the experiencing self defined against an other .
29 The case at Water Newton is rather less certain , but it has been argued that either one of the two large buildings visible at the centre of the defended area served as an administrative centre for the Fens , or that this function was performed by the remarkable complex identified at Castor to the north-east of the town 's extramural suburbs .
30 Slightly less clear is the effect of FSA , s 48(2) ( h ) , which authorises rules : " enabling or requiring information obtained by an authorised person in the course of carrying on one part of his business to be withheld by him from persons with whom he deals in the course of carrying on another part and for that purpose enabling or requiring persons employed in one part of that business to withhold information from those employed in another part . "
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