Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Should the defendant have foreseen damage caused by a falling tree ?
2 : To determine the effectiveness of the definitional overlap technique using definitions extracted from the OALD .
3 : To determine the effectiveness of the definitional overlap technique using definitions extracted from the Collins English Dictionary .
4 The charges , which carried a maximum sentence of 50 years ' imprisonment and a fine of $1,000,000 , alleged that Imelda Marcos had secretly invested in Manhattan real estate and valuables using money stolen from the Philippines .
5 With a partial split-brain patient as their subject McKeever , Larrabee , Sullivan and Johnson ( 1981 ) observed that the usual difficulty of naming objects presented to the left hand was considerably reduced under hypnosis .
6 The fact was that Charles gave up shooting for a few years because he had simply grown bored with it : it was too easy to blast away overfed birds frightened into the air by a band of beaters .
7 But then Myverygoodfriend finished second and after Galway Star had become their fourth odds-on scorer , Passed Pawn failed in the last race .
8 They bought the scrap Herald for just £25 and salvaged the chassis , engine , gearbox and axles. then , using plans bought from a man in Sheffield , they set out to build the bodywork from plywood and aluminium .
9 The third factor supporting the whole-school approach is the benefits of wider experiences and peer interactions derived from the involvement in the curriculum which are essential for the full development of the ‘ whole child ’ .
10 Divergent influences may modify or dispel values imbued as a result of parental influence .
11 The view from Frystetjorn was unforgettable — brightly painted houses set on a patchwork hillside , orchards heavy with bright red apples and the village of Ulvik , its white church being caressed by the sunshine .
12 On Wednesday morning the prince , in his role as president of Scottish Business in the Community , will visit Craigmillar to see projects developed by the local community , local authority and other agencies , with help from the Friends of Craigmillar — a group of business leaders .
13 You can hold the frame tightly together using strips cut from an old cycle inner tube and used as large elastic bands .
14 Rig Commanders stationed on the inshore ramp guided the drivers on with brief flashes of their green lights , and the convoy drove steadily across .
15 ‘ The ability to perform activities required to the standards specified . ’
16 The Scenic Route from Dornie is delightful , enjoying views denied to the modern A.87 .
17 Sometimes luck plays a hand , for example when a late 18th-century oil-painted wall decoration was discovered by conservators repairing damage caused by a leaking roof at Hopetoun House , near Edinburgh .
18 On completion of this second GIMMS job we are in a position to begin the final task , that of producing maps based on the digitized map of the 42 countries of Africa , using one or other of the two statistical variables entered into the file PMMLIB.GIMMSPOLYDAT .
19 Even the possibility of using income generated by the sale of council houses has been sharply restricted .
20 The shed was of wood , a compact , dark , creosoted building tucked into the corner of the shrubbery .
21 Draft SAS 470 sets out existing guidance in the new format including consideration of whether disclosure in financial statements is fair and the aggregate effect of uncorrected misstatements , while draft SAS 520 extends the scope of guidance in assessing other people 's work to include experts employed by the auditors .
22 The study , using data supplied by a nationwide survey of 1,000 people , shows that more and more people are tackling increasingly advanced jobs as the area becomes demystified .
23 Among people aged 25–74 the only analyses in our paper are of leukaemia and lymphoma for 1984–90 , using data derived from the data collection study .
24 Yamaha will build a second boat , to the design of Bruce Farr , using data learnt from the prototype , the first yacht designed to the new Whitbread Offshore Rule for the 60ft Class B.
25 The multimeter should be switched to the 2mA d.c. range and the 1µF calibrating capacitor connected to the unknown capacitor terminals .
26 In my judgment , it is plain that the provision of a basic valuation by an employee to a building society to enable the assessment of the adequacy of the security offered by a borrowing member for a further advance involves action taken by the society about which the member may complain if the other prescribed conditions are satisfied .
27 They work by generalising solutions derived from an iterative pattern recognition process , to ‘ train ’ themselves .
28 Changing blades is a simple process , using C-spanners supplied with the tool .
29 British Nuclear Fuels ( BNF ) makes tritium at Chapel Cross in South-West Scotland , using neutrons made in an ageing Magnox reactor .
30 This was his first venture into steam , using vessels chartered from the St George Steam Packet Co .
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