Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [coord] [subord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some young readers find it disturbing , not because the characters lack emotion but because the whole story expresses emotional immaturity or instability .
2 This was sufficient to establish duty and as the fire damage was a direct consequence of the breach of duty , the defendants were also liable for the fire damage .
3 FROM 1984–90 guesses that cash flow could be higher if assets changed hands or if a firm 's financial structure was changed were made in $1.7 trillion-worth of cases in America .
4 Mr Guthrie , who was appointed by the Home Secretary in 1988 , recently accepted an invitation from the director , Lt Cdr Brian Miles to visit Headquarters and as the date coincided with the lottery , Mr Guthrie agreed to draw the 20 lucky numbers .
5 He would also be seeking compensation and if the authority made no offer he would have no hesitation in suing for a five-figure sum .
6 The results were then analyzed to see where this approach was causing problems and whether a more flexible approach was needed .
7 But it is impossible to say whether this was because the partner 's monitoring of management boosted efficiency or because the Morgan association generally indicated a monopoly .
8 This promotion of diversity , defence of the consumer , assumes a perfect bureaucratic world where individuals act rationally , where supply meets demand and where the equilibrium of the market is attained .
9 ‘ We would light matches and while the heads were still hot press them on the ticks — a long job .
10 In a different context , however , the CS will be able to evoke Al and since the Al state is better than A2 at activating an associative link , the CS will be better able to elicit its CR when the context is changed .
11 It costs £3.95 and as the price includes p&p it has to be one of this year 's best buys .
12 weak muscles around the bladder outlet ( especially in women who have had children or after the menopause ) causing stress incontinence ;
13 There may also be other costs if , for example , the qualification message adds to rather than reduces uncertainty or if the market misinterprets the message .
14 Selection for this feature can therefore provide populations of embryos which are just starting to form blastocysts and where the majority of cells will be in their sixth cell cycle .
15 Unable to pay his playing staff , crisis followed crisis but as the 1980s arrived , dramatic changes were about to unfold .
16 The kind of information relevant to users depends on the nature of their assignment or course , whether there is time and opportunity to use resources or whether the database is seen as the information source .
17 These will only be changed if the chemical composition is such as to ease crystallization or if the chains have been oriented by some means so that considerable anisotropy is present .
18 Can she please tell us when this demise will take place and when the new transport working party will be convened .
19 And given the political sensitivity of so much of our work , it is under the secretary general 's guidance that difficult discussions on strengthening the movement 's development and human rights awareness programmes must take place and where the final green light must be given for increasingly complex initiatives to intensify public pressure on governments .
20 If a free kick is kicked into touch on the full , the team will not gain ground and when a penalty kick is kicked directly to touch , the same team will have the throw-in .
21 He spoke not because he felt that the denomination was threatened or was losing ground but because the status quo did not give Congregationalism the dignity its growing wealth and membership had earned for it .
22 If a confirmed booking is cancelled within 3 weeks of the course starting date or if the nominee fails to attend the course , the total fee becomes forfeit .
23 Such damage normally involves earth retaining walls but unless the private residence is also damaged at the same time , there would be no cover for the damage to the wall under this section of the policy .
24 Whatever name the frightened young Pole spoke it did not make sense and when a sergeant said , ‘ It sounds like Wolski sir , ’ and smiled , Wolski took the cue and smiled back and nodded , patting the horse and looking positive .
25 Young couples strolled with their arms round each other , pausing now and then to kiss ; older couples stopped to greet friends and while the women talked their husbands stood by looking foolishly amiable .
26 If a class teacher is unduly censorious about reading difficulties or if a parent who , in school , listens to children reading but shows impatience , all that is required of management is the gentle touch .
27 Hough and Mayhew ( 1988 ) regard these figures as underestimates and Worrall and Pease ‘ s ( 1986 ) re-analysis of the BCS data which looked at all crimes , and attempted crimes , involving contact and where the victim could identify whether or not they knew the offender , found that women were much more likely to say that they knew the offender well and that the offender was a spouse in nearly 40 per cent of cases .
28 Abuse and neglect are also commonly seen in children of mothers with learning disabilities and are particularly common if the fathers also suffer from learning disabilities or if the children themselves are of normal IQ .
29 In such case we must treat the pair as one insured item and if a repair or replacement of the lost/damaged item is not possible the insured is entitled to the sum insured for the pair or set .
30 Er i it was alright if the man took precautions but if the woman did n't take precautions there was er I mean the man did n't , there was nothing the woman could do at all about it .
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