Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [coord] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 Despite this evidence , one can not preclude the possibility that the α-glucosidase inhibitors produce their effect solely by inhibiting absorption and that the acceleration of MCTT is a secondary phenomenon , more or less irrelevant to the percent absorption .
2 Some young readers find it disturbing , not because the characters lack emotion but because the whole story expresses emotional immaturity or instability .
3 Its purely endogenous nature is well illustrated by the facts that it can be evoked by the absence of a stimulus such as a gap in a long sequence of evenly spaced tones and that the actual probability and significance of the stimulus is less important in determining whether or not the P300 will occur than the subject 's perception of its probability and significance .
4 This was sufficient to establish duty and as the fire damage was a direct consequence of the breach of duty , the defendants were also liable for the fire damage .
5 Sennett was the initial genius who taught the others that anything ought to be tried that produced laughter and that the ultimate test was whether any movie actually worked for audiences .
6 Mr Guthrie , who was appointed by the Home Secretary in 1988 , recently accepted an invitation from the director , Lt Cdr Brian Miles to visit Headquarters and as the date coincided with the lottery , Mr Guthrie agreed to draw the 20 lucky numbers .
7 Michael Wilson , the Canadian Finance Minister , who chaired the Interim Committee , said that all countries had made concessions and that the compromise 50 per cent increase represented a " balanced agreement " .
8 He would also be seeking compensation and if the authority made no offer he would have no hesitation in suing for a five-figure sum .
9 But it is impossible to say whether this was because the partner 's monitoring of management boosted efficiency or because the Morgan association generally indicated a monopoly .
10 This promotion of diversity , defence of the consumer , assumes a perfect bureaucratic world where individuals act rationally , where supply meets demand and where the equilibrium of the market is attained .
11 Rather , the new law requires that academic positions be filled by responses to open advertisements and that the disciplines concerned be determined by the universities and not by the ministry .
12 Does he further agree that that needs to be a Europe which is not only open and ready to trade fully with the rest of the world , but also ready to grapple with the greatest danger facing European stability , a danger which was scarcely mentioned at Maastricht , and which must be faced by ensuring that the nations of eastern Europe make it all the way to open democracies and that the vast and scattered nuclear arsenal of the former Soviet Union is brought under proper control and we prevent a great proliferation of nuclear weapons in the successor states ?
13 ‘ We would light matches and while the heads were still hot press them on the ticks — a long job .
14 It is generally taken for granted ( by members of society and governments alike ) that investments should bring profit and that the living standards of the propertyless should be based on the demands of the market for their skills .
15 He shifts his ground , arguing first , that he has feigned madness and that the doctor is a fool to be taken in ; and second , that his doctor has mistaken poetic genius for madness because he is a fool .
16 A pity that the orchestra lacked polish and that the chorus ( and even Gwynne Howell 's Hermit ) were inclined to rush ahead regardless .
17 And there is evidence to suggest that sustained aerobic walking not only increases BMR but that the increased BMR continues permanently .
18 In a different context , however , the CS will be able to evoke Al and since the Al state is better than A2 at activating an associative link , the CS will be better able to elicit its CR when the context is changed .
19 It costs £3.95 and as the price includes p&p it has to be one of this year 's best buys .
20 weak muscles around the bladder outlet ( especially in women who have had children or after the menopause ) causing stress incontinence ;
21 One section of loyalists correctly forecast that the proposed constitutional convention was an exercise to buy time and that the Westminster government would ignore its recommendations as cynically as it had ignored earlier constitutionally expressed wishes of the loyalist majority .
22 GABA concentrations were unchanged before seizures , but increased during them , with a greater rise in the non-epileptogenic hippocampus , suggesting that a rise in extracellular glutamate may precipitate seizures and that the concentrations reached may cause cell death .
23 Managing director John Eckmire said : ‘ It 's our wish that Frank and Nigel should re-open discussions and that the prospect of Nigel 's premature retirement will vanish . ’
24 There may also be other costs if , for example , the qualification message adds to rather than reduces uncertainty or if the market misinterprets the message .
25 Selection for this feature can therefore provide populations of embryos which are just starting to form blastocysts and where the majority of cells will be in their sixth cell cycle .
26 It is called benefit and and the well being of those kids about there , that we 're educating them at our own school , that they can have jobs and work , and if this is going , my fear is , okay we can live within this , s as you say , it may that it 's just bad settlement for one year .
27 Given that our primary concern is with perceptual learning it might be argued that this last process is what should command attention and that the processes involved in latent inhibition ( apart perhaps from the attentional change it involves ) are of marginal importance only .
28 Unable to pay his playing staff , crisis followed crisis but as the 1980s arrived , dramatic changes were about to unfold .
29 The kind of information relevant to users depends on the nature of their assignment or course , whether there is time and opportunity to use resources or whether the database is seen as the information source .
30 That homework should last approximately half an hour or whatever it consists of , erm reading , written work , finishing off drawing research whatever that homework should be handed in the next day , form teachers to remind classes of this and to co-ordinate delivery of the books , papers etcetera to the member of teaching staff and that the non production of homework is to be the concern of the member of of teaching staff and not the form teacher , although regular non producers will be the concern of us all .
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